Thursday, December 18, 2008

Creating Success

Creating Success
By Leslie Fieger

All things begin in consciousness.

Consciousness originates everything that is manifest. Universal consciousness makes manifest the entire universe and subsides within its creation. You and your individual consciousness are indivisible from the universe and universal consciousness.

That which you create or make manifest originates in your consciousness. Creation of any manifest reality (goal accomplishment) is the successful out-picturing of an ideal.

The process of creation starts with the ideal. The first realm of creation is the ideal, your idealization. Your ideal is made distinct, out of the infinite but imprecise potentialities available to you, by your clear, consistent thought patterns, plus your fervent desire for or love of your ideal, plus your constant fiat or promise to your ideal, plus your faith in or faithfulness to your ideal.

Your ideal is made definite, out of the infinite but imprecise potentialities available to you, by your firm belief in your ideal chosen through your discernment of what is ideal for you, plus your insight into its value to others plus the wisdom to effectuate the ideal using natural law.

Then it moves the virtual. The second realm of creation is the virtual, your virtuality. Your ideal is proscribed as probable or virtually true, by your intention to effectuate your ideal, plus your objective or aspiration for your ideal, plus your gratitude for your ideal, plus your detachment from or objectivity toward your ideal.

Your ideal is described as probable or virtually true, by the clear picturing of your ideal in your imagination, plus your visualization or expectation of your ideal, plus your affirmation or declaration of your ideal, plus your congruity or accordance with your ideal.

Then it becomes real. The third realm of creation is your reality. You and your ideal will now have, in reality, achieved clarity, and, as a consequence, all your behavior will be in accord with your ideal. Your actions are true.

You and your ideal will now have, in reality, achieved lucidity, and, as a consequence, all your communications will be in agreement with your ideal. Your word is truth.

Then, finally, the result appears. The fourth realm of creation is your actuality. Your ideal manifests. Harmony of beingness, doingness and havingness has been achieved.

Here is another way to look at it; (often, the way to understand some thing or some process is to de-engineer it, that is, to take the result apart, piece by piece, and examine each piece to see how it contributes or is necessary to the result) ...

Success is goal accomplishment. Success is harmony. It is simply a matter of all the components of the process of creation working together to create the result.

The result is the havingness. Prior to the result is the doingness. Prior to the doingness is the beingness. Be, Do, Have.

The reality of your result can also be called its veracity. Is it true? If what you have is true to your ideal, then what you do must also be true to your ideal and how you are must be true to your ideal.

De-engineering your result, your success, you can see from the above-described process of success, that the words you speak or what you communicate and the actions you take or things you do must also be true or harmonious with the result. In order for that to happen, you must have arrived at a certain lucidity and clarity about your goals or results.

Clarity is achieved through detachment or objectivity from your goal. Lucidity comes from your congruity with your goal. These, too, must be in harmony with your result.

* Your ability to objectify or be detached from your goal comes from your gratitude for its existence.

* Your gratitude for your goal comes from your aspiration or ambition to achieve your goal.

* Your aspiration comes from your intentionality about the goal. Your ability to be congruent with your goal comes from your affirmation or assertion of its reality and value.

* Your affirmation comes from your ability to visualize or expect your goal.

* Your ability to visualize comes from what you choose to imagine, your imagination.

All these components or attributes must, likewise, be harmonious with your result or success.

* Your intentions about your goal arise from your faith in or faithfulness to your ideal.

* Your faith arises from your fiat or promise or commitment to your ideal.

* Your fiat arises from your desire or love of your ideal. Your desire arises out of the original thought that impressed or defined your ideal.

* Your ability to imagine your goal arises out of your wisdom or prudence that you apply to your ideal.

* Your wisdom arises out of the insight you have into the expected effectuation of your ideal, your insight arises out of the original discernment or acumen that you used to select your ideal.

* Your ability to discern arises from your original belief that expressed or articulated your ideal.

All these components, including your thought patterns and belief structures must, likewise, be harmonious with your result or success.

Your results can be shown to always be in harmony with your thoughts and beliefs, even when your results are apparently discordant with your ideals.

So, it all comes down to the basic components of thought and belief.

You are able to choose how and what to think. You are able to choose how and what to believe; how to be. You are at cause. Your beingness is the causal. Your result, what you have, is the effectual. Everything in between is the flow from being to having.

It is called doing. Doing is the application of knowledge. It is often said that knowledge is power. It is not. Knowledge only defines potential. It is through the application of knowledge that power is employed.

The exercise of your personal power is to consciously create and effectuate your ideals.

Be causal.

Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

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Success Results From Observing Your Life

Success Results From Observing Your Life
By Billie Washington

If youre not getting the results you desire in life, you need to increase your powers of observation.

Quantum Physics tells us that our world is based upon observations because observation is what affects the waves of energy in becoming particles that create solid material objects.

The kind of observation that affects our world is much more involved than noticing the color of your friends shirt or how many people are in line ahead of you. On the contrary, the kind of observation that breeds success begins with the observation of your thoughts.

Thats right. Your thoughts.

When you become aware of your thoughts, you consequently become more aware of what those thoughts lead to: your language followed by your actions. By gaining a greater awareness of your actions, you will then be able to start making choices about what you really want to happen rather than reacting to your unobserved results emotionally.

For instance, if you think you cant start your own business, your language is affected by those thoughts. You thus tell yourself you cant start your own business. Since youre telling yourself you cant, you will never take action to begin. And you will never experience the results you desire in your business life.

But if you begin to observe your life at the core levelyour thoughtsyou will be able to recognize your negative thought pattern. And change it.

To change your thoughts, you begin to think you can start your own business. Then your language changes. You tell yourself you can, and this new language prompts you to take action. Action that results in the freedom youve been searching for.

Being an Observer bridges the gap between your inner world and outer world. Look and listen to what you do and say and think. Then you can purposely change the basic programming of your mind.

Become the Observer of your life today.

Billie Washington is an International Business & Life Coach helping people unlock the mental barriers to their true potential. Visit for more information.

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5 Powerful Reasons Why INSPIRATION Should Be a Part of YOUR Success Strategy

5 Powerful Reasons Why INSPIRATION Should Be a Part of YOUR Success Strategy
By Cari Vollmer

Let's face it. Life can be difficult. It just can be. Work pressures mount, family demands become overwhelming, health suffers, stress builds.

I have to admit, it happens to me and when it does, when life gets to be too much or too hard, I put up a CLOSED for business sign and seek out a little inspiration.

Inspiration looks good (a beautiful photograph), smells good (a bed of roses), sounds good (Vivaldi's Four Seasons) and feels good (family photographs, your favorite movie or book).

Surrounding yourself with inspiration helps you get and keep your life on track because it returns you to YOUR spirit -- to your center. When you feel inspired, it's a sign you're touching a place deep within yourself. From this place, you can create, plan, and simply live a life that feels better. And when you feel better, everything runs a bit more smoothly, creativity increases, things get done, you feel happier.

1. Inspiration is Heart OpeningThink about the last time you read an inspiring story. Did your heart feel 10 times bigger than normal? Inspiration opens your heart and when your heart is open you become more accepting of yourself and others. You feel more patient. Your general outlook improves. Connecting with your heart reduces stress.

2. Inspiration Inspires GreatnessHave you ever seen a beautiful painting and had the urge to stop by your nearest art supply store for a canvas and oil paints? Inspiring works of art touch within us our innate desire to create art that's unique to us. (art = an outward expression of your deepest joy)

3. Inspiration Calms and RestoresNature. Fresh air. Wide open spaces. Sunny, hot beaches. Don't you already feel more relaxed? Exactly! Mother Nature is ready and willing to share her inspired works of art with us. She's made it highly accessible and totally free!

4. Inspiration Energizes and RefreshesHow did you feel watching Lance Armstrong win the Tour de France for the 7th time? Did it make you want to jump on your bike for a 2400 hundred mile bike ride on steep mountain roads? Maybe! Did it make you want to do something greater with your life? Inspiration is powerful because it touches the part of us that knows, deep inside, we're made for so much more.

5. Inspiration Spreads JoyInspiration makes you feel good. Just think of the last inspiring chain-email you received and passed on with a note that said, I never do this but I had to share this with you! When you feel good, when the joy in you comes alive, and you share your joy with others, you impact the world in a thousand positive ways.

The next time life feels difficult, put up a CLOSED for business sign and get out for a little inspiration. You'll love the results.

(Or better yet, let INSPIRATION come to you! Subscribe to today!)

Cari Vollmer is the creative founder of LifeOnTrack.coms inspirational e-zine, LivingOnTrack, offers practical success tools, tips and strategies for getting and keeping your life on track. Sign up at .

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Monday, December 15, 2008

All Successful People Do This And YouToo Can Do It

All Successful People Do This - And YouToo Can Do It
By Mohamed Tohami

Did you know that by applying a simple strategy you canbecome successful beyond your imagination?!

Success is not dedicated for a certain category of luckytalented people and hence anyone can become similar to thosesuccess gurus.

Success doesnt depend on your environment,circumstances, level of education, financial situation,...etc.

All successful people faced a lot of negative circumstancesand failures before they achieve what they want. They were poor, with little or no education, and were brought up undertough circumstances.

But they all followed the same strategy, to change theircircumstances and reach their dreams.

You must follow this simple strategy, if you want toachieve your goals and become successful.

Here is the ultimate success strategy:

Apply the Principles of Success

Simple, right?!!!

But always remember: The true power lies under the realsimplicity.

This powerful strategy guarantees your successbecause principles are the same and always work.

Success principles are the same no matter where you live orwhen you live.

Success principles always work because they are proven facts used by all successful people to achieve their goals.

Success leaves clues. And these clues are timeless successprinciples.

Principles will work for you as well but this depends on asingle condition.

This condition is: Principles always work if you work theprinciples

You must apply these principles and put them in action.

Action makes all the difference.

Successful people believe in principles and so theypersist until they see the results.

Apply success principles and they will always work. Since they worked with all who applied them, they willwork with you too.

But remember you must work the principles yourself. Don't wait for somebody else to apply the principles for you.

You must apply the principles by yourself. Don't wait forsomebody to give you permission to become successful.

Analyze your situation and see how this principle can workfor you. Do it yourself.

You must lead your life.

And never surrender.

Keep practicing the principle until it works.

It takes time to master success principles. Like when you startdriving your car, it took time to be a good driver.

It needs practice until you get positive results.

And here comes the benefit of having a mentor in your life.He can guide you through your journey and support you inevery step. And, he can teach you these principles andhow to master them.

Read success books and you will gain life time experiencefrom the expert authors.

Attend success and personal development seminars and courses to get close to success mentorsand learn from their experience.

Success Principles always work if you work them. Keeppracticing the principles until you master them.

You too can become successful with the same principles usedby all successful people in the world.

Start living the life of your dreams.

(c) Copyright 2006 by Mohamed Tohami

Mohamed Tohami: Author, speaker, and mentor helps youlive on purpose and achieve your goals.

Find out how Tohami can help you create a meaning foryour life and work in less than 7 days guaranteed! Act now and get 6 amazing FREE bonuses valued $695.97

Click Here -

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How Team Ferrari Can Accelerate Your Success

How Team Ferrari Can Accelerate Your Success
By Chris Green

Picture the scene:

Its the Monaco Grand Prix and the Ferrari of Michael Schumacher is in pole position. The warm-up lap has been completed and Schumacher revs the engine, waiting for the lights to flash in sequence: Ready. Set. GO!

The race begins. Schumacher uses his supreme skill to drive the car to its limits and successfully overcome the challenges presented by the tricky street circuit.

At each third of the race, the perfect opportunity to bring the car into the pits to maintain maximum advantage is determined. Each time the Ferrari makes a pit stop, an efficient pit crew will get to work. The car will be jacked up. Tires will be changed, fuel will be added, visors cleaned, spot checks made.

All completed within 10 seconds. Each team member performs their duties at lightening speed to ensure no time is wasted so the car can maintain or improve the lead.

And as the race progresses, a team of analysts will act on feedback received from the Ferraris on-board computers and from the driver. The race strategy will be constantly reviewed and changes will be made if necessary to ensure the car has the best chance of winning the race.

Driver, engineers, mechanics, designers, strategists, technicians all working together to ensure the car has the best possible chance of victory.

So how can Team Ferrari help to accelerate your success?

As you pursue your goals and ambitions, youll encounter many trying times. You will face challenges, obstacles, sticking points and setbacks. Your motivation levels will drop, you may feel burned out, stressed, frustrated.

At such trying times, youre going to need support to help you stay in the race. Just like Michael Schumacher, you cant do everything all by yourself and when you face challenges and problems, these are the times when youll need to go into the pits.

It is so important no, VITAL that you can turn to positive, success-minded, enthusiastic people. People whove done something with their lives, whove faced challenges, who know how to overcome fears and obstacles and who can keep you on track to win.

They are the people who well refer to as: TEAM YOU.

Unfortunately, many people who pursue a dream turn to people who live life in fear, who havent done anything with their lives and who hold a negative view about life.

Guess what happens when you turn to such people when you need support?

Youre right! They increase your fears, they focus on the problems, they offer no solutions, in short, they make it harder and harder for you to win your race.

Would Ferraris pit crew consist of people who want to give up at the first obstacle? People who believe the race is lost before its started? People whod retire the car after 10 laps because the race was too hard?

You know Team Ferrari wouldnt have such people anywhere near their car!

So why have negative people in Team You? OK, I know you may find it hard to find like-minded, positive people to create your success team. So heres a technique I use to create my own success team, a team I can rely on when I need to make a pit stop:

Throughout history, there have been many people who have achieved great success and who overcame many major challenges. The help they can give you is priceless. So read about them. Study them. How did they meet their challenges? How did they deal with setbacks? You can find out by reading biographies and autobiographies. Use the Internet too.

You can read about presidents and ministers, kings and queens, warriors and pacifists, sporting heroes, entertainers, inventors, explorers, tycoons, personal development experts, philosophers and spiritual leaders whoever you admire, whoever inspires you, whoever excites you, read about them. These are people whove achieved great things. Study them. Learn from them.

These are the people who can join TEAM YOU. Why not pick the best to help you win your race?

Copyright 2006 Christopher Green

Chris Green is the author of the new book Conquering Fear, the acclaimed book that shows you how to turn fear, your worst enemy, into your most powerful ally. For a FREE preview, please go to =>

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

5 Power Keys For Leadership Success!

5 Power Keys For Leadership Success!
By Bill Thomas

Did you know that you can successfully handle mostleadership challenges with just 5 simple strategies? Byfocusing your attention on these critical areas you canempower your the opportunities hiding within your vision,new venture or project plans.

The biggest problem facing people like you is knowing when,what and how to operate your leadership power keys.

You have no problem turning on your computer, using it tofind answers and producing your letters or reports with it.

Why not make your leadership power keys help you influenceothers, guide them towards rewarding outcomes and nurturetheir growth into success-driven leaders?

POWER KEY-1: Simplify The Complex!

The reason why leaders are important is because of thesituation, circumstance or condition facing the group. Youcan look at these things as being a need, a problem or anopportunity.

People will look to you to lead them as you explore,discover and plan the best course of action for dealing withthis complex state of affairs.

Therefore your leadership power key relies on your abilityto systematically investigate, evaluate, map, organize andcommunicate solutions.

POWER KEY-2: Envision New Vistas!

This is the time for boldness! Your group begs to dosomething inspiring, engaging, worthwhile and special. Givethem a vibrant, vivid and vital vision - excite theirhearts, minds, souls and spirits.

Regardless of your task, function, project or business, youmust lead others using your mind's eye [imagined view of acompelling vision.

Your leadership power key involves creating, shaping,sharpening and publicizing the vision as you also encouragepeople to embrace it, own its outcomes and feed itspossibilities.

POWER KEY-3: Go For The Gusto!

Your team will wonder about their priorities every moment ofevery day. How will you inform, reassure and coach them?

There are just a few items you should concentrate yourefforts, attention and assessments on - they are yourleadership agenda:

1) Security - health, wellness, safety

2) Wisdom - knowledge, relevance, applicability

3) Power - personal, team, shared, how much

4) Guidance - where, what, when, who, why, what & how

5) Syntropy - importation & focusing of power sources

6) Conceptuality - analyzing patterns, artifacts, concepts

7) [Universe Frontiering - ask & find what's out there?

POWER KEY-4: Be Disciplined and Willful!

You must deal effectively with reality to hold onto yourleadership power keys. If there is no disciplined approach,direction or intent, you will not lead for very long.

Many leaders fail to rigorously design, supervise or executetheir strategies. Yet, strategic planning can be one of yourstrongest power keys.

Your strategy should empower others to -

- trust your motives

- maintain their will-power

- develop a positive self-regard

- define their responsibilities

- exercise control

- judge their performance or progress

- usher them through the process of change

POWER KEY-5: Behave Yourself!

You don't have to change your spots! You do however have toserve the needs of different circumstances, constituents andconsiderations.

There are certain ethical matters that you must apply - youwill need to be fair, honest, and consistent when dealingwith people. Your behavior reflects your concerns,concentrations and character.

Your leadership power key demands that you adopt the propermental attitudes, behaviors based upon rock-solid personalvalues and motives driven by your most positive eccentricforces.

Can you adapt? Will you behave? Do you really care? Thesequestions reveal the power behind this key.


You can spend thousands and invest weeks of precious time informal classroom instruction. Eventually you would begin toacquire these power keys of successful leaders.

These simple principles are so easy to remember - in fact, Iuse them myself. They're the power keys to all of my personal, business and community leadership activities - and they always deliver great results.

Gurus like Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Warren Bennis, JackWelch discuss these five principles at length in their work.

Great historical figures including Mahatma Gandhi, NelsonMandela, John F. Kennedy and Marie Curie have demonstratedthese skills in their leadership roles.

Your leadership success depends on your agreement withChurchill's observation: A pessimist sees the difficulty inevery opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in everydifficulty.

These 5 power keys are the keys to success for all of yourlife adventures - will you walk with expectations forpositive outcomes, will you commit yourself to growingstronger and use your own leadership power keys toenergize your performances?

Copyright 2004, Mustard Seed Investments Inc. All rights reserved



Bill Thomas produces The Leadership Toolkit - a webbased training program that improves your leadership skills,energizes creativity and transforms you into a persuasive,empowering leader. Inspire Confidence, Be Creative, EnhanceYour Leadership Influence - Get All the Tools You Need ToLead!


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Quick Access to Knowledge One Key to Success for Entrepreneurs

Quick Access to Knowledge One Key to Success for Entrepreneurs
By Daryl Des Marais

Knowledge used widely gains a leverage to obtain more resources and understand more viewpoints and accepted current norms.

So, you have heard that knowledge is power. But have you heard that knowledge when planned and acted on properly can produce wealth quicker. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs know this, they are continually learning from others. Why you say? Why would they bother? Well, because change is enevitable. In today's day and age, change and information are two things that are always in motion, always propelling society further.

It is amazing how much knowledge is available, especially with the internet. But how do you sift throught all that knowledge to find what is relevant. So how can you aquire more knowledge in less time. There are many ways. Set aside a small amount of time per day or week to read. Set a goal of what you want to read and what you want to learn that is new. Still there is alot to read.

One other thing you can do is take a speed reading course. Currently one of the best speed-reading courses is ExecuRead, that can increase your reading speed by more than double your current rate.

If you were to take it one step further, to gain a competitive edge, Book Summaries are a great tool. You have complete books summarized in pages with all the necessary information you need, and less the's, and's etc.

Book summaries can help the entrepreneur with the following:

-Get Ideas You Can Use
-Advance your career
-Boost company profits
-Move your firm into the lead
-Slash Your Reading Time
-Gain A Competitive Edge
-Learn new skills
-Know the latest business concepts

A Carnegie-Mellon Study showed that readers retain more of the content when they read a well-written summary than when they read the book.

For more information see Book Summaries or growth books Growth Book or Great Business Books

Mr. Des Marais has operated small businesses for over 20 years. He has been a consultant and held positions in some of the fastest growing companies in Canada.

He has increased sales by 200% in 2 months for an herbal doctor; increased sales by 30% in 4 months for a major Canadian Big Box Retailer; 200% sales increase 3 times in a row for a service-based small business and helped several entrepreneurs develop and sell their business.

His expertise is in the area of growth and business development. He has also been involved in developing business chapters in cities across Western Canada. In terms of Business Development and mentoring Mr. Des Marais has volunteered with S.E.E.D.S mentorship review committee, ACE, YEA and university alumni and speaking events.

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

How Do You Measure Success?

How Do You Measure Success?
By Jennifer Koretsky

I had a conversation with my client Linda the other day. She was in crisis mode and very upset with herself. She set a goal for herself the day before to be on time for everything, all day long.

She woke up early, and left for work early. She made it to all her meetings on time. Although it was really difficult, she left work on time, and she even managed to make it to her evening doctor's appointment on time.

However, she got caught up on the phone with her sister later that night, and the next thing she knew, she was running behind schedule! She was 10 minutes late beginning her bedtime routine of journaling and washing up, and she was 5 minutes late to bed.

Linda was mad at herself. She had done so much hard work throughout the day to be on time, and then she carelessly lost track of time and ruined her perfectly on-time day.

I know Linda very well, as I've been coaching her a long time. I couldn't help but giggle at the end of Linda's story because it was so familiar. Linda, do you know what you just did? I asked.

At that point, she giggled, too. Yes, I guess I just realized it, she answered. I held myself to unrealistic expectations, and I didn't give myself credit for the successes.

Bingo! There were so many successes in Linda's day! And yet she was choosing to focus on the one thing that didn't go as planned.

And what happens when you hold yourself to unrealistic expectations? I asked.

I get really mad at myself for not being perfect, she answered sheepishly.

And what happens when you try to be perfect? I continued.

I get annoyed. I throw my hands in the air and give up. I don't end up giving myself credit for what I did right. She knew where this was going.

And what happens when you don't give yourself credit for what you did right? I pursued.

I waste my time beating myself up over stupid things instead of building on my successes! Linda knew this stuff, she just needed to be reminded, as we all do sometimes.

You know, she offered. When I step back and think about it, I did an amazing job yesterday. I almost never get to work on time, and yet I did. I'm always the one running into meetings late and disheveled, and yet I was there in my seat with my pen and paper out for both my meetings! And I didn't have to apologize to my doctor for being late and holding him up.

So what that I went to bed 5 minutes late! she continued. I did a damn good job, and I need to remember that instead of beating myself up for every little thing!

We all need to remember that.

So how do you measure success when it comes to managing ADD? In small pieces. Acknowledge everything you do right.

You'll notice that when you do, your mood improves, your motivation increases, and you have more opportunities to sharpen your skills and reach higher levels.

Make life all about success.

Jennifer Koretsky is a Professional ADD Management Coach who helps adults manage their ADD and move forward in life. She encourages clients to increase self-awareness, focus on strengths and talents, and create realistic action plans. She offers a 90-day intensive skill-building program, workshops, and private coaching. Her work has been featured in numerous media, including The New York Times Magazine and The Times (UK). To subscribe to Jennifers free email newsletter, The ADD Management Guide, please visit

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Top 10 Ways to Ensure Success With Your Resolutions

Top 10 Ways to Ensure Success With Your Resolutions
By Lori Radun

It has been said that 60-80% of New Year's resolutions will be broken within the first two weeks. Personally, I am not a huge advocate of New Year's resolutions because I believe in setting and achieving personal goals all year around. However, I do respect the fact that New Year's resolutions are very popular, and I understand that the New Year is a very logical time to start fresh. That being said, I wanted to share with you the top ten ways to increase the likelihood for success with your New Year's resolutions.

1. Stick to 1 or 2 important goals.

Having a laundry list of all the things you would like to change in your life can be overwhelming. Your chances for success are much higher if you stick to 1 or 2 of your most important goals. This allows you to concentrate all your energy and focus on these goals. Once you achieve those goals, you can always set 1 or 2 more.

2. Be realistic.

It's okay to think big and want the best, but it is more important to succeed, so be realistic. Ask yourself whether or not your goals are reasonable and possible. It is probably not realistic to set the goal of never yelling at your kids again. How will you feel about your resolution when your children test you on a very bad day and you yell? Certainly one can cut back on yelling and work to find alternative ways to deal with misbehavior, but an all or nothing attitude may set you up for failure, and feeling like you've failed can set you up for more failure. Instead, accept and honor your humanness.

3. Be specific.

Be as specific as possible when determining goals. Articulate how you will measure success and exactly what you are trying to achieve. Making a resolution to lose weight is too general. A better choice would be to set a specific and manageable goal. For example say, I will lose 25 pounds by June 30, 2006. Be specific when answering the what, when and how.

4. Connect to your motivation for achieving your goal.

Why do you want to achieve this goal? Why now? Make sure your motivation comes from your heart, and not from your head. In other words, your goal should be something you really desire, and not something you know you SHOULD do. Really connect to why this is so important to you. Pay attention to whether or not you are being driven by fear or love. Beware of setting goals based on what someone else in your life thinks you should do. Your resolutions should come from your authentic self.

5. Examine your belief in your ability to achieve this goal.

What do you believe about your ability to achieve your New Year's resolutions? If you have tried to reach the same goal many times before without much success, your confidence could be wavering. You could be feeding yourself negative messages without even realizing it. Be conscious about positive thinking. Remind yourself that you are capable of doing anything you set your heart to. Tell yourself every day that you have the ability to take the steps it will take to reach your goal.

6. Create a detailed plan to achieve your goal.

Let's say your resolution is to eliminate the clutter in your home. But how will you start when the clutter is overwhelming? It may be helpful to break large goals into intermediate, manageable steps. Make a list of each area you need to tackle. Then break each area into even smaller segments that can be tackled easily. For instance, set time aside to clean out old clothes, then to organize sweaters, then to throw out old shoes, and finally arrange clothing by color or type. Don't forget to specify a time limit for accomplishing each of the smaller steps. Before you know it, the larger goal will have been met.

7. Recognize that you may encounter obstacles.

Most people give up on their goals because they run into some type of obstacle along the way. Obstacles can be internal or external. Examples of internal obstacles include negative self-talk, limiting beliefs and discipline issues. Some external obstacles are the lack of time, money or resources. Know in advance what hurdles you may have to conquer.

8. Identify a plan of action to overcome obstacles.

If you are trying to give up chocolate (I would never try this!), what are you going to do when you get a craving for chocolate, or when all your friends are chowing down on chocolate cake? Maybe your plan would be to carry a sweet substitute with you at all times. Or perhaps you could involve yourself in a fun activity when the urge strikes. If your obstacles are tougher and you need more support, consider hiring a life coach to help you work through your blocks.

9. Enlist the support of an accountability partner.

As you work towards your goals, it can be very helpful to have someone in your life to be your support partner. Consider asking your partner or friend to help you stick to the resolutions you have set. Use this person when you are struggling and set up a plan to check in regularly with him/her. As a coach, I have the privilege of trading coaching services with my peers. My coach helps me achieve my goals, overcome any obstacles, and celebrate my success.

10. Celebrate success along the way.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is celebrate your small successes as you work towards your larger goals. Don't wait until the end to reward yourself. You deserve to be recognized for your efforts and your commitment, especially when your goals take a long time to achieve. If you don't celebrate on your journey, you will lose your motivation. So celebrate, celebrate, and celebrate!

I wish you the best in achieving your 2006 New Year's resolutions. If you fall off your path, remember you can always get back on. It's okay to take a few detours. No one said there can't be St. Patrick's Day resolutions, Easter resolutions, or even Independence Day resolutions.

Lori Radun, CEC - certified life coach for moms. To get her FREE newsletter and the special report 155 Things Moms Can Do to Raise Great Children, go to

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