Sunday, September 21, 2008

Why Showmanship Is Essential to Success

Why Showmanship Is Essential to Success
By Chris Lloyd

Being successful as a magician relies just as much on yourstage persona and your ability to be engaging as it does onthe tricks you choose to perform or the technical skillsyou possess.

The reason for this is because tricks in and of themselvescan fall flat if not presented in the right way. A sleightof hand that dazzles when performed by an engaging magiciancan leave an audience yawning when in the less capablehands of an under-whelming performer.

So if you want your tricks to go over well, you've got tolearn how to sell them to your audience.

That means you've got to work on your showmanship just asmuch as you have to work on the tricks themselves. Learnhow to get the audience eating out of the palm of your hand!

If you are not sure how to do this, don't worry.Showmanship is something you can easily learn and improveupon with practice. It's not necessary an inborn trait thatyou either have or don't have-it's a learned skill thateven the best magicians are constantly honing andperfecting.

Here's how to make good showmanship part of your magicroutine:

Build a Bridge to the Audience

Whether you are onstage in front of ten people or tenthousand, your success is directly related to how much youraudience feels inclined to trust you and suspend theirdisbelief for you.

To win them over, talk directly to them. Make eye contact.Make use of volunteers. Don't confine your show to thestage. Invite audience members up, or go down to minglewith them.

Don't Wait to Warm Up-Be On Right from the Start!

Don't wait to warm up-you've got to be on right fromthe start! Most magic shows last only about an hour orless, so make it a point to create your relationship withthe audience quickly.

Cultivate a Stage Persona

Ideally, magic tricks should bring about a sense of wonderand excitement, not a sense of being tricked or fooled. Andyou as a magician should therefore aim to be mystical andwise, not hokey.

Of course, there are many ways to be entertaining. Some ofthe most successful magicians in the biz are very seriousin terms of their demeanor. Others, however, are jocularand love to crack jokes during their shows.

Your stage persona is really up to you. If you'renaturally inclined toward being chatty and making jokes, gofor it on stage.

If you're naturally more reserved and quiet, you can thinkabout adopting a more David Blaine-like character whenyou're performing.

The trick (pun intended!) is just to make sure youapproach it as a role or a performance. Give the audiencethe dazzling entertainment they want and you will always bea hit.

Just Believe

Believe in what you are doing and suspend your disbeliefas much as you can. The illusions work best when you trulytrust in your abilities and honestly belief that you arecreating miracles! In reality you know that they are

tricks, but if you act like they're just fakes or fraudsthen you'll never win over your viewers. Put it this way:if you don't believe in yourself, why on earth should youraudience?

Chris Lloyd is the author of 'Discover The Magic Trick Secrets You're Not Supposed To Know'. For more details please visit

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