Friday, October 17, 2008

The Success Attitude ICAN

The Success Attitude, ICAN
By Frank Gasiorowski

What does Lance Armstrong, Donald Trump, Oprah and YOU have in common?

We all have the natural inner ability to control our destiny with self talk and the ICANaffirmation technique.

Lance Armstrong says in a TV commercial that he has the experience, desire and the team to win. Lance has the ICAN mindset. When Lance Armstrong thinks about winning, Im sure that he says, ICAN and he takes the appropriate action to achieve his goal. He has proven this many times over in all of his winning endeavors.

Donald Trump says, ICAN and Stay Focused. Donald knows, ICAN.

Oprah is an example of a person who is Being all that she can be.

Oprah knows the meaning of ICAN.

That is the ICAN concept model.

What about your EXPERIENCE, DESIRE and TEAM? Think about it, you have experience in many areas. You are the expert in some areas of your life. What is it that you love doing? What is it that you are passionate about? You have a wealth of resources within you. Look at your experiences and say, ICAN.


Think about your goals again and write them down. Write them as if they have already happened and in the present tense (I am) with as much detail as you can imagine. Believe that it's possible. Just Believe that it is possible for you to achieve all of your Dreams.

What about a desire? You have desires and wishes in many areas. I call these dreams and goals. What are your dreams and goals?

Your Dreams and Goals would not have been given to you unless you could actually achieve them. That is the best part. It is your choice to turn these Dreams and Goals into reality.

Bring back those dreams and goals that are in your mind and know that with just one word you can start to make them materialize.


ICAN, say it out loud, ICAN. Yell it or scream it, ICAN, because you can have those Dreams, desires, wishes and goals. They are yours to claim. ICAN is a word that I coined that means, I Create All Narration. Yes, your self-talk is what programs your mind. You create your own self-talk. Make your inner talk one of affirmations and self development.

The affirmation, ICAN will allow your subconscious to start creating the winning mindset.

TEAM Concept

How about your team? Do you even have a team? All successful people have a winning team. Teams that propel your dreams and goals forward and are synchronized to making them happen. This synchronicity is the key to creating your abundance. A key phrase is, When two or more come together. This is the secret; get two or more people on your team. It may be a social team, a dream team or a Mastermind team but make it a team.My definition for TEAM is, Together Everyone Achieves MIRACLES.

Say, ICAN to your team, get then to say, ICAN with you and you are on your way to reaching your goals. Believe ICAN and everything is possible. You will be ALL that you can be as long as you stay focused on your goal. It is your destiny.

To summarize, ICAN is the attitude of achievement. You already have the experience and the desire to achieve more. You have the understanding of a team concept. Now all that you need is to implement the ICAN attitude in everything that you do.

Start right now and say, ICAN, because with ICAN it is possible to achieve your Dream.

Frank Gasiorowski or as his is known on the internet as Mr. 90 Day Goals, has been teaching since 1973 and his current mission is to provide easy and effective ways for individuals to achieve their true potential through, and coaching programs.

Article Source:,-ICAN&id=119754

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