My 10 Keys To Success
By Ollie Rains
What dictates the difference between success and failure? There are several different factors that decide whether we succeed or fail at whatever we do in life.
Most of us at one time or another, will or have faced financial adversity. The difference is whether we choose to think lack or see it as a challenge to change our situation. These are some of the things I have found useful when I thought seriously about bankruptcy.
1.Be confident and have faith that as time passes, things will always change. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Confidence in your self will attract opportunities you could not imagine. Faith in your self will alleviate the fear that attracts negative things in all our lives.
2.Make a plan to succeed. Try to follow that plan as closely as possible, one step at a time. When you know where you are going, you gain confidence in doing. Gradually increase your goals and strengthen your confidence. Face each problem as it comes up, so it will not develop into additional problems.
3.Find your passion. Passion is the greatest motivator for accomplishment and financial success. Whatever you do, try to find something that sets you on fire, whether it might be a hobby, or your current work or a new field completely. We need to get excited to succeed!
4.Draw on past experiences in your financial situation, and avoid making the same mistakes again.
5.Money attracts more money, so whatever you do; never think on a poverty level. Remember the faith. Picture yourself where you want to be this time next year! Nothing ever happens in your life unless you let your mind explore your hopes and dreams. In other words, if you dont picture it in your mind, its not gonna happen!
6.Let go of all bitterness and resentment toward others who have taken advantage of you financially, directly or indirectly. The law of compensation will then be free to bring you a just return from places, which you may not be aware.
7.Put yourself wholeheartedly into whatever you have to do. This alone will bring its own reward in time.
8.Strive each day to improve on what you did yesterday. This will soon give you a sense of growth and accomplishment.
9.Eliminate negative attitudes by removing the word cant from your vocabulary and mind. Negative thoughts never bring success, so each day strive to maintain a positive attitude, no matter what dissention is around you.
10.Try to maintain a sense of humor, even if you have to constantly cultivate one.
Never, never, never give up! Even when you feel its time to throw in the towel, perseverance is key if you ever hope to succeed at anything in life. The rewards of you labor will come, if not now, then later. But believe me, they will come!
Nothing in life worth having will ever be gained by giving up. How you react emotionally and mentally to whatever happens in your life will determine your future. You must develop a positive mental attitude to attract positive things to you. Take an interest in those around you knowing that what you give will come back to you in many different forms.
The way we feel, think and react to the world around us dictates our happiness, success, and even our health. Develop control of your emotions so you may direct the creative power within that we all possess. Overcome your fears, they will bring negative energies into your life. Picture only good things happening so your creative power will have only good blueprints to work with. Never knowingly use the power you possess for selfish or evil purposes, as this could destroy any chance at happiness or success! Put your strongest feeling of desire behind the things in life you really want.
What all this means is that you must believe in yourself, be positive, never give up, keep the faith, give of yourself to others, and never let anyone else dictate to you what you can or cannot do. You can do Anything if your heart so desires! Remember, we all have a given power within ourselves to change our lives, both financially and emotionally.
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