Wednesday, November 5, 2008

3 Deadly Obstacles to Success

3 Deadly Obstacles to Success
By Momodou Sabally

Many are the keys to success; they include a definite purpose,stating clearly what you want and developing a strong desired toachieve that coveted goal.

We are often taught what secrets we need to succeed in life butit is equally important to know the enemies of success. Theobstacles to self-fulfillment are many but three stand outprominent and anyone who truly wants to achieve anything in lifemust learn to master them in order to insure oneself againsttheir deadly effects. Here then is your insurance policy againstfailure and am giving them to you free!


Fear is a great enemy of mankind. Most of us live in fear mostof our lives. The greatest fears of mankind as outlined by Dr.Napoleon Hill in his Law of Success include the fear of poverty,the fear of death and the fear of criticism. I will focus on thelatter for it is one fear that is common to mankind. Many peoplefail to take risks in business because they fear the criticismthat may follow if they fail. Many decisions are not carried out

because of worries of the reactions of friends, acquaintancesand family. If you really want to make a difference in your lifeand in the lives of others. you must not hold yourself backworrying about what they say!


Anger is negative and it does not solve any problem butcompounds your troubles in life. A positive mental attitude isthe foundation of meaningful achievement. Do not let others makeyou to lose your balance and mental poise. It is only the calmmind that is capable of envisioning great plans and helping oneto surge forward in life. The worst thing about anger is that itaffects you more than the person or institution your anger isdirected against. In the words of the Buddha, you will not bepunished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger. Andalways remember that the danger in anger is that anger is onlyone letter short of danger. Learn to forgive others for your owngood.


The postponement of decisions or action is a great cause offailure in life. Most people fail to take necessary actionwhenever they have an alibi to advance for not doing what theyare supposed to do. Yet procrastination, goes the old saying, isthe thief of time. But nay I want to put it this way:procrastination is the thief of success. So do not steal your own success away from yourself. Use your will power to do thethings you need to do. You got to do what you gotto do to win!says Miami Heat star Dwayne Wade. Now is the best time to ACT!

So here you have three deadly enemies of success. Learn tomaster them and earn you insurance policy against failure.

Let us then be up and doingWith a heart for any fateStill achieving still pursuing!

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