Using the Language of Dreams is the Key to Success
By Aura G Wright
Using the language of dreams can show us the way to achieve both our waking dreams and our greatest satisfaction in life. The landscape of dreams the sort we have at night when we are sleeping can hold the key to unlock our greatest human potential.
But the language is tricky. Its not quite like solving a math problem. Its more like solving a riddle or those picture puzzles that you played with in school. Remember, they were set up to show a series of pictures and symbols and you were supposed to piece them together in order to solve the puzzle. It might show something like: (a picture of an eye) + 8 + 2 + (a picture of a bird) + grrr. This particular puzzle would mean, I ate two burgers. These types of puzzles use phonetics, pictures and symbols all combined to convey a meaning that makes sense once it is strung together into one message.
The example above is very similar to the way that the unconscious sends messages, signals and information to your conscious mind. The conscious mind the part of you that is aware and reading these words has learned to communicate in specific linear ways. It is very logic and language oriented, and it appears to be factual. This is how our culture has developed and evolved. The unconscious however, usually speaks to us through the right brain. The right brain is all about images, color, symbol and metaphor. It can be very literal as well. But it is not logical and linear that is the domain of the left-brain.
Dream interpretation, therapy, psychotherapy and advertising such as what you see on TV or a billboard on the side of the road are all aimed at either understanding, changing or manipulating the language of your right brain. The reason for this is simple, when we work directly with the right or symbolic brain, there is no resistance, and it is usually more truthful. It is truthful precisely because it is symbolic and takes things literally. It does not have language capacity to trick or cover up information from itself or anyone else. This is why therapy is effective. When we (or a therapist) can read the symbolic language your unconscious is speaking often without your knowledge then that therapist can speak back and help work out conflicts, desires, or fears that emerge in the language of symbol.
In much the same way, mainstream advertising; magazines, television, billboards are all aimed at convincing your subconscious to make a positive parallel between a favorable emotion or desire and their product. This is why you see beautiful smiling young people holding up beer glasses. Unconsciously you associate positive feelings or desires with the product. It does not matter if you are smart, or onto their technique, the imagination is captured, and the advertisement has done its job. The instant you become aware of the advertising campaign, you can make a decision as to what you want to do with that information you always have free will.
It is extremely useful to educate yourself to the language that your own symbolic brain is using. Your mind holds the keys to whatever you want, need, desire and hope to accomplish even if those things are not in the realm of your waking awareness. Try keeping a dream journal, or taking time to listen for pictures, images and symbols that may emerge from your inner mind. These are keys, and they can unlock the inner meaning of personal happiness - and success - for you.
You can learn to become more aware of this symbolic language, and through this awareness you will begin to have mastery over it and yourself.
Aura Galadriel Wright is an international columnist and author of The Golden Path Book and workbook set. To learn more please visit She has worked with thousands of people developing thier goals and achieving success. Her articles have appeared in The Yogi Times, Z!nk Magazine and among others.
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