Monday, March 23, 2009

Opiate Addiction Treatment The Secret Key To Lasting Success

Opiate Addiction Treatment - The Secret Key To Lasting Success
By Stephen Gilman, M.D.

You may not realize this but before buprenorphine treatment with suboxone or subutex was available, it was extremely difficult to treat opiate addiction outside of a hospital based detox. This all changed in 2002 when buprenorphine became legally available as suboxone and subutex formulations. Keep in mind that buprenorphine is available as both forms - suboxone and subutex.

But opiate addiction treatment with buprenorphine does NOT always go smoothly. In fact I have identified keys to success - or failure - with suboxone - subutex treatment.

I'm often asked what the most common mistake is that people make when they enter buprenorphine suboxone treatment. (Unfortunately, their are plenty of common buprenorphine suboxone mistakes made by patients and treating physicians.

The most common one is related to the person's mindset about the suboxone treatment itself. People who are most successful with this process are those who realize that the medication is NOT the most important part of the treatment process. This statement may seem strange, so let me further explain.

Most people who come to me for treatment have been dependent on their opiate (hydrocodone, oxycontin, heroin, percocet, etc.) for an extended period. This could be many months or years. Most of them have never heard of buprenorphine. That means that they have been in an intense opiate addiction pattern of behaving for a long time. This pattern has literally taken over their life - they spend alot of their time thinking about getting the next dose so they don't go through withdrawal. Other life obligations - to varying extents - are placed secondary. They will let nothing get in their way of making sure they get their opiate.

Additionally, their is the learned, repetitive behavioral pattern of actually reaching out for the opiate addiction every few hours or so that has been ingrained into their minds.

Once on the buprenorphine (suboxone or subutex forms) their is no more need to reach out for something to feel better. Their is no more need to be psychologically hought focused on getting the next hit. This is great ofcourse, and the goal of the medication. And the fact that the buprenorphine treatment is so easy when done right further lulls people into a false sense of the suboxone or subutex itself doing all the work.

However, this is also where their can be problems. Since you have been dealing with this addicted pattern for so long, your brain is not going to simply forget it once you are on a stable dose of buprenorphine.

You may still have stressors in your life that may trigger a craving - even a mild one - that can put you at risk for snapping back into the addiction even if you are on the medication.

This is the problem I see with many people who simplistically look at being on the medication as the sole way to recover from opiate addiction. But the medication does NOTHING to help your unlearn the addictive pattern and learn new, more empowering life patterns that help you avoid relapse and truly be in addiction recovery.

Simply put, those people who view opiate addiction recovery as simply taking buprenorphine and doing nothing else to enhance recovery are the most likely to fail and begin to use again once the intial detox with the medication is over.

The most successful in my practice are those people who realize that the buprenorphine medication (as suboxone or subutex) in combination with addiction oriented psychotherapy is the best way to go.

Keep this in mind before you enter treatment and make sure that whoever is prescibing the buprenorphine is a DEA certified suboxone-buprenorphine doctor and able to deliver high quality psychotherapy or at least puts a high degree of importance on it and gives you an appropriate referral.

Stephen Gilman, M.D. Addiction Psychiatrist reveals exactly how you can be successful with buprenorphine (suboxone, subutex) treatment. To receive your FREE, no-obligation 5 part mini-course visit Suboxone Secrets Discover even more FREE information about buprenorphine suboxone success at

Article Source:,M.D.

Judges Anonymous: Insights and Solutions to Successful Living

Judges Anonymous: Insights and Solutions to Successful Living
By Helene Rothschild

Have you ever found yourself judging anyone, including yourself? Welcome to the human race! The phenomenon of judging -- deciding that someone is not okay,--is something most people do--including me. In fact, in my career as a therapist, I usually found that the few men and women who believed that they never judged anyone, were in denial.

As a Marriage, Family Therapist, I have had the opportunity to explore this common occurrence with my clients. I noticed the destructive power of this self-defeating action--for both the judge and the judged. For example, John, a five year old boy, felt terrible when his father called him stupid when he made a mistake. John then judged himself and decided that he was stupid. This negative decision hurt his self-esteem and affected his life in many ways, including having an adverse effect on his career and relationships.

Meanwhile, Bill, the father, was also judged by his parent when he was growing up and believed that he himself was stupid. When Bill judged anyone else for making a mistake, he was unconsciously reaffirming his own negative belief about himself. The father also felt even worse about himself when his son performed poorly in school because he decided that he was stupid.

Judgments perpetuate our fears, and our fears feed our judgments. To stop this viscous cycle, you can let go of judging and overcome your fears.

If you want to have less judgment in your life, it is helpful to be aware of when it happens to you. Some of the most common signs of judgments are phrases such as: You are wrong! You should . or You ought to . Pointing a finger at someone is a clear symptom of judgment. Also listen to your own feelings--when you feel bad or hurt, when you want to rebel or yell, No!, or you feel you want to judge back. If any of these symptoms appear, I suggest that you take a deep breath and make constructive statements like: I prefer that you give me your opinion and then accept my decision; I feel judged and that doesnt feel good; When you speak to me that way I want to rebel; Please tell me what you would like to happen and not what I should do; Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I have a different opinion; or What are you concerned about?

I have decided that I no longer want to hurt myself or others with judgments. So I have been paying close attention to my words and thoughts. The results have been amazing. I feel healthier, better about myself and my relationships are improving dramatically. You can also feel these benefits when you make a commitment not to judge, and to accept what happens as an impartial observer.

In the case of abuse, I encourage you to remove yourself from the destructive situation or tell the person, This doesnt feel good to me, or That is not okay with me. Then share specifically what is okay or does feel good. Notice that you are taking care of yourself in a constructive way without judging anyone.

When we all get off our high bench and discard the role of the judge, we will be happier, healthier and more successful in every area of our lives. Imagine the impact on the world. There would be no wars because we would stop hurting ourselves, and then, naturally, we would not want to hurt others. I know that to be true, because when I feel accepting of myself, I find it easy to be kind and accepting of others. Have you noticed that same pattern in yourself or others?

Try these little experiments. Think of a judgment of yourself and be aware of how you feel. Notice any pain or tightness in any part of your body. Then say a positive statement about yourself and notice the difference. Do the same exercise with others. You are likely to feel much better when you are accepting yourself and the other person.

Spend one day consciously accepting people and yourself and avoiding all judging thoughts, words and actions. Notice carefully what happens. I think you will be pleased.

If you are ready to help yourself and others feel good by not judging anymore and you need some support, start a group and call it Judges Anonymous. Meet regularly to help each other to be aware of your judgments in a fun and profound way. Then focus on acceptance, which is one of the major keys to successful living.

Whether you choose to attend such a group or do it cold turkey on your own, be patient with yourself. Avoid judging yourself for judging. These are life-long patterns, and with commitment and perseverance you will graduate as a Master of Acceptance. This is one of the most important degrees you can ever attain because with acceptance comes unconditional love which is the most priceless gift you can ever give to yourself and others.

Warning: you must be prepared for improved health, more energy, joy and friends, wonderful relationships and success in every area of your life. If at any time all these wonderful things become too much for you, you can always start judging again.

Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, is a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, speaker, teacher and workshop facilitator.To empower people, she developed a unique process, HART: Holistic And Rapid Transformation (New Book: All You Need Is HART! Create Love, Joy and Abundance- Now! A unique guide to Holistic And Rapid Transformation.)Her numerous educational and inspirational materials, lectures, and media appearances (including CNN) have helped millions of men, women, and children internationally to reach their personal and professional goals.She offers phone sessions, teleconferences, self-help and inspirational books, e-books, tapes, cards, posters, cards, articles, classes, and independent studies. Helene's mission is to help people to love themselves to peace, which she believes is the key to health, happiness, success, and world peace.,, 1-888-639-6390.

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Goal Setting: The Gateway to Success

Goal Setting: The Gateway to Success
By Melvin Richardson

Imagine, if you will, a small boat drifting out to sea. It doesn't have any oars, rudders, sails and certainly not a motor. It glides across the sea seemingly out of control without purpose, destination or direction. Now imagine a strong wind blows in from the north, pushing the boat in that direction and now another wind blows in from the south pushing the boat in the opposing direction. Do you get a picture of that boat? Well believe it or not that's the precise behavior we exhibit in life when we don't have any goals.

Now I am sure that you get things done but you're not as focused as you can possibly be. When you are focused you have the ability to concentrate and focus on your core genius or rather your purpose. Staying focused helps you to stay on track and keep the momentum towards your main objective or your purpose.

Goals give you energy, excitement, passion, enthusiasm and they encompass every part of your being with a burning desire. You goals should line us with you value, morals and ethics. They should give you a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment. Only then will you be able to utilize your talent and ability to their full extent and this awakens the creative genius within. The opportunities, people, situations, and circumstances that present themselves will be literally astounding.

Before you start your own goal setting process you must first determine what is you truly want to accomplish. Next you must put together an action plan step by step.

The following represents the key elements of a goal:

Goals must be written

Goals must be your ownl

Goals must be read aloud twice daily

Goals must be mediated upon

Goa setting must be an ongoing process

Goals must be cover all areas of your life

Goals must be believable

Goals must be challenging

Goals must not be in conflict with each other

Goals must be precise and measurable

Goals should line up with your values and beliefs

Goals must entail an action plan

Work these elements into your goal setting process and you automatically open the doors for success.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Double Your Time Double Your Success

Double Your Time, Double Your Success
By Saleem Rana

Time is more important than money. Time measures the pace of your life. Money provides the means.

Effective people attain more money by mastering time.

The get more value out of time in any day. They use their time well. They have clear goals, plans, and actions. They out produce and out contribute and get paid handsomely. Over time, their compensation far exceeds effort, multiplying exponentially.

If you want to advanceif you desire successyou must master time.

Heres how:

One: Delegate. Yes, assign tasks out to other people. Help them attain success by doing more. When you empower others in your team to do more and free up your own time to focus on key taskseveryone wins.

Its simple, isnt it? Let someone else do the housework; repair what is broken; and run routine office tasks. Pay them well. In the meanwhile, maximize your freed up time by taking on more income-generating tasks.

Two: Plan. Clear goals, effective plans, and precise action. This is an irresistible formula for success. If initially, your goals are fuzzy, your plans exploratory, and your actions meanderyou need to study and practice to bring your goals, plans, and actions into clarity, efficiency, and precision.

The tendency to simply leap into action will resolve certain issues but will soon run out of momentum. Once you put out fires, you have no idea how to build anything of sustained value.

The best way to deal with the future is to create it before you arrive. By mentally envisioning your future, by outlining ways to reach it, you move forward with a sense of focused power.

Goal-setting and planning are not a waste of time. Failing to do either is a waste of it. Take the time to sketch a guide that will steer you in the right direction. Take the time to map the road ahead. And take the time to explore different approaches.

Three: Be systematic.


Define your target.

Brainstorm ways to hit it.

Weigh the value of your various approaches. Then choose the one with the biggest benefits for the least risk. Your benefits should outweigh the cost. Choose only those plans with a high benefit, low cost ratio.

Estimate the time you need to hit the target. What is a reasonable deadline?

Create additional backup-plans.

Use obstacles along the way as feedback to refine your plans.

You can double the value of your time by delegating, planning, and systematically working out your plan. You can double the value of your time by delegating, planning, and systematically working out your plan. If you can master your time well, your productivity will double. Your income, however, will not grow arithmetically, but geometrically. It will grow exponentially. It will explode.

Resource Box

Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. For more information on how to get rid of your dreadful ime-wasting habits and start doing things in an organized, efficient manner? visit

Article Source:,-Double-Your-Success&id=110966

What do Successful People have in Common?

What do Successful People have in Common?
By Emmanuel Mallo

(1) Successful people are fast in analyzing situations and making immediate decisions. (2) Successful people think before they act.( 3) Successful people consider consequences and possible solutions to any action they are about to take. (4) Successful people do not fear risk, on the contrary they use risk as a tool to reach where others cannot reach.( 5) Successful people never quit, they hunger and thirst for success. (7) Successful people are persistent even if what they believe in seems impossible.

(8) Successful people do not believe in failure. Failure is a sign that there is a mistake along the line that needs to be corrected for success to happen.( 9) Successful people believe in their capabilities, and dynamism. Successful people are generous and share their knowledge with others(10), and love to see averyone around them succeed (11) Successful people know that the journey to success has a price to pay and so they prepare themselves for that price. (12) Successful people are non conformists they never, never follow the path of everybody. Each and every one of them has a secret path created for himself. (13) Successful people use just 1/10th of acquired knowledge on their path to success. That is why acquired knowledge is not a major prerequisite to success.

(14) Successful people use general knowledge (common sense) in every step on their journey to success. (15) Successful people surround themselves with like minded people. (16) Successful people are very intuitive, discerning, and positive about the next day but living for today. (17) Successful people succeed where others fail, and they never fail from trying again and again. (18) Successful people do everything to learn whatever could contribute to their success. (19) Successful people could make something out of nothing. Take away a million from a successful man and he will make two, but give two million o an unsuccessful man and he will have non left in a very short time (20) Successful peole are very creative and are successful.

(21)The thought of a successful man are very deep down in him in a way that his physical appearance cannot reveal. There is wealth for everyone on this website but if you are full of doubt, and your mind is not tuned to successful thinking you will go out the way you came in, make a good chice now. Go to main menu and fill the info form

See my bio on my website

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Friday, February 27, 2009

What Do You Need To Do To Be Successful?

What Do You Need To Do To Be Successful?
By Graham Harris

What do you need to do to be successful? If you are searching the net you may feel that you need to sign up for the latest affiliate marketing programme. Or perhaps you need to be a member of the latest MLM scheme. On the other hand it may be that you need to follow the directions of the latest web marketing guru. Each of theses routes give you the opportunity of being successful but without courage, zeal and enthusiasm you will join the ranks of the 80% plus who fail.

You need the courage to identify your dream. Your passion. You need the courage to stick with the process while you concretise your focus and then to stay the course when others are telling you that it is a stupid idea and will never work.

To start your own business is difficult enough. It becomes virtually impossible when you select something that only looks good or looks interesting and you dont have passion for. To be successful you must identify your true calling in life. Your passion. Can you imagine what the result would be if you allowed your passion to be your focus in life? So. What is it that turns you on? What motivates you? What do you constantly talk to yourself and others about? What excites you?

Once you have identified your focus, your calling, you now need zeal and enthusiasm to carry it through. To be successful. Zeal and enthusiasm is more than determination. Its about commitment, fun, enjoyment. Something you want to do because you believe in it. A natural way to reach your aim and objective in life. A belief that means you are willing to live with your dream 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You need to see life the way a sportsperson does. Can you commit to working day in day out with the sole purpose of working towards your dream? Can you keep going when nothing appears to be happening? Can you hold onto the slightest increase in your ability as a sign of success? Are you dedicated to continually improving your personal best? Can you believe in yourself and your passion enough to rethink the formula when the business reaches crisis point? Can you step back and honestly analyse your actions when you have just lost a potential sale or the time you spent on a marketing campaign was wasted? Can you be a totally focussed individual?

However, zeal and enthusiasm alone are useless. Its like driving a car at full speed without knowing the destination. Alone they will not bring you success, but coupled with an aim and objective, a focus, a passion, a desire to constantly improve and courage then, like the sportsperson, the world is your oyster.

When you do something you love doing, time is immaterial and happiness and personal growth naturally follow. You work because you want to and enjoy it. You are fulfilling your passion and boy it shows. People buy your enthusiasm, your excitement. They can see the excitement in your eyes; they can read it in your writings.

Look at your business and materials:

Do they show excitement, passion?

Would you buy from you, your site, if you were a customer?

The secret to success in life is simple:

If you have the power of determination in your thoughts, every task is possible.

Those who are successful in their chosen field have an extraordinary degree of self confidence. They know they are living their passion. The only thing on their minds is to be the best. To give their best at every opportunity. They know that the key to success is their mental toughness.

What about you? There are no shortcuts. You can only be successful because you have a passion and the zeal and enthusiasm to work hard and conquer your inappropriate habits. The talent to focus and refocus your activities. The courage to stand out from the crowd. Its not the money that drives people to success its the game, its wanting to be the best. Do you have what it takes? Can you do what you need to do to be successful?

Graham and Julie

About The Author

Graham and Julie

To see more of our work please go to:

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Success Through Extra Efforts

Success Through Extra Efforts
By John Watson

If you do your best, you probably will be the best and will become a success. You will stand out from the crowd since so few people actually get around to doing their best.

Do your best then and become a success because the average person seldom does their best and your efforts will stand out like a skyscraper amongst mud huts.

Many people spend about 80% of their free time watching TV instead of working on their skills or goals or the overwhelming chores that tend to pile up on us all.

I was at a seminar last weekend. There were 2,600 people in the audience. The organizer had given up doing workshops for smaller groups.

The reason he gave up was that out of the 30 people who attended the workshop only two would go on and put what they had learned into practice.

28 out of 30 don't usually do their best. This gives a huge opportunity to the remaining two who take action.

Any one can make promises about what they will do. But few people actually put in the effort necessary to execute their promises to themselves or others.

Many have no idea what real effort is about. Occasionally some exceptional people show us all what humans are capable of doing if they do their best.

Paddy Doyle recently won the world's fittest man competition. He has run, cycled and swum huge distances and has completed 3250 sit ups as well!

Very few people do any sit ups and, of those who do, few will go beyond 20.

Geoffrey Boycott, the great batsman, praised the New Zealand batsman Brendon McCullum for not smiling when he had scored 50 runs. Boycott commented:

Don't smile till you've got a hundred runs; then you can smile. That's what it's about. Get big scores. All batsmen should keep that in mind.

When they get to 50, they should say: 'that's only half the job'. Get your head down and get another 50. You don't smile until you get back in the pavilion and have got some runs.

In other words don't be easily satisfied. Don't praise yourself too soon. Do more!

Tiger Woods, after the third round at the St Andrews Open in July 2000, was practising until 8.45 p.m. Even the man considered to be the best golfer in the world was not content to sit back after another successful day. He did more.

Tiger Woods has controlled his thinking from an early age and has programmed his thoughts to make him expect more and do far more than the recognized high standards of most golf professionals.

Some times it is enough to do just a little more than the average.

A few extra hours of work could make you stand out from the rest.

A writer who does a little more research or a bit more thinking about the best words to use in his or her book can transform the book.

A little more attention to detail could make a failing business successful. A good copy writer can transform an ad with just one word and even just one letter.

The person who refuses to live an ordinary life often realizes how little is the extra effort it takes and yet the rewards for this small extra effort are out of all proportion to what it costs.

The mediocre person thinks that he's taking the easy way but in the long haul he's taking the hardest way of all because he must spend his entire life existing on the poor financial results that his average work produces.

A retired business executive was once asked the secret of his success. He replied that it could be summed up in three words. These three words were: and then some.

He discovered early in his life that the difference between the ordinary people and the higher echelons could be explained by the fact that the top people did what was expected of them and they then did more.

They were sensitive to the needs of others and then gave even more help. They dealt with their responsibilities fully and then worked some more.

They were the same at home as at work. They were reliable friends and considerate neighbours and then exceeded expectations.

A hotel employee went out of his way to put up two elderly people in his own room when the hotel was overcrowded.

A while later the elderly couple turned out to be the owners of the Waldorf Astoria. Guess who they put in charge? The man who had looked after them and then some.

A little bit extra every day becomes a huge amount over a lifetime. If you want to experience something extraordinary, then you must do that bit extra every day. There is, of course, no law which says that you can't do a lot extra!

About the author

John Watson is an award winning teacher and fifth degree black belt martial arts instructor. He has recently written several books about achieving your goals and dreams.

If you would like to check out The 36 laws To Ignite Your Power by John Watson please visit the following URL:

If you are interested in one of the best sellers of self help check out Stuart Goldsmith's ' The Midas Method ' at the link below:

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