Wednesday, October 29, 2008

11 Rules of Success

11 Rules of Success
By Jeff Herring

The Law of Experience - Success comes from good judgement; good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. The more at bats you get, the more experience you get, the more successful you can be.

The Law of Hunger - In the words of motivational speaker Les Brown, in order to be successful, you have to be huuuuuuuuungrrry! You have to want it so bad that you can taste it. You have to want it so bad that you are willing to pay the price to get it.

The Law of Balance - While youre paying the price for success, its crucial to keep your life in balance. No one who is a success in their chosen profession and a failure in their personal life is a success.

The Law of Small Successes - Many people never even get started on the road to success because they have convinced themselves that the task is too big. This is a myth that stops many people. Even the most gargantuan of tasks are accomplished one action at a time. One action at a time. Simply break your large task into smaller, more manageable tasks, and celebrate each small success.

The Law of Momentum - Once you get a few small successes under your belt, a powerful momentum has been set in motion. You begin to believe you can be successful, and things that seemed difficult or even impossible before become simply challenges you are eager to take on.

The Law of Clarity - You need to be clear about what you are going for, so you will be clear on knowing when you get it. If you say you want to make more money, thats not clear enough. I could give you a dollar and youd have more money. But I dont think thats what you meant. How much more do you want? By when do you want it? What could you do to experience the most enjoyment while you are getting it? These questions give you more and more clarity.

The Law of The Trail - Success always leaves a trail. While there is value in blazing our own trail, there is also value in investigating how others have become successful. This leads us to.....

The Law of Modeling - To be successful, we do not have to reinvent the wheel. This is so powerful and yet so easy its amazing to me that more people dont do it. Simply find someone who is doing, or has done, what you want to do, and find out how they did it. What did they do on a daily basis to get where they are? What did they have to believe, what did they have to focus on? Most people are so honored by the question that they will be glad to talk with you. Everyone likes to feel like they have experience and wisdom to pass on to others.

The Law of Habit - All of us need success habits that we think and do every day. Remember, bad habits are easy to form and difficult to live with, good habits are difficult to form and easy to live with.

The Law of Focus - Its our responsibility, each and every day, to control our focus. If we focus on all the things that could go wrong and how we might not be successful, we will be pulled in that direction. If we focus on opportunity and all the many ways in which we can be successful, well be pulled in that direction. We control our focus. It really can be that simple.

The Law of Enjoyment - So many people miss out on this one. They are so busy making sure they are successful that they forget to pause and enjoy it. Folks, theres two things to shoot for in life:

1) to get what you are aiming for, and

2) to enjoy it once you get it.

Only the most wise and fortunate of us do both.

Apply these universal laws for success to your life and goals on a daily basis, and Ill bet you will like the results.

Visit for more leading edge tips and tools for writing articles that bring you prospects, publicity and profits. You can also subscribe to our monthly Article Writing & Marketing Tips Newsletter. You are also invited to visit my Express-Start Article Writing Program for more information on the next article writing tele-seminar.

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3 Steps to Defining Success and Defining Your Future

3 Steps to Defining Success and Defining Your Future
By Dr. Robert A. Eubanks

Q: Are you a success?

A: Its all in how you define the word!

An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican Village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.

Inside the boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The banker complimented Miguel, the Mexican, on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. Miguel replied that it took only a little while.

The banker then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish. Miguel said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The banker then asked, But what do you do with the rest of your time?

Miguel said, I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, senor.

The banker scoffed, I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and, with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats.

Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise.

Miguel asked, But senor, how long will this all take?

To which the banker replied, 15-20 years.

But what then, senor?

The banker laughed and said That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce a public listing and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions.

Millions, senor? Then what?

The banker said, Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings, where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.

What is your definition of success and how are you getting there?

As the story of Miguel so eloquently illustrates, life success is so closely tied to our values and the way that we want to live our lives. We can easily lose direction and what is truly important to us by being drawn to what success means to other people, ideologies, or pop culture. Being clear on what success means to you and how you are working toward it is EVERYTHING!

Check Yourself

Take a moment to ponder the direction that your current choices are leading you in your life, career, relationships, and health.

Now, make sure you are clear that how you are living in relation to each area is how you ought to be living according to your personal values. You may need to first get clear about your values in each area. Hint: grab a pen and paper for this one.

Finally, identify one step you could take in each of the four areas that would bring you closer, or more fully into, what is truly successful in these areas.

Just as the investment banker believed that Miguel should live by the bankers definition of success, so do we often live our lives by a completely different definition of success than we truly ought.

A thoughtful check of your internal map and compass could start small changes that can take you to destinations as different as Wall Street is to a small fishing village in Mexico!

2004 by Dr. Robert A. Eubanks

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Terms of use: This article may be published electronically or in print, as long as the byline at the end of the article is included without alteration.

About The Author

Dr. Robert A. Eubanks is the founder of Bridge to Solutions Coaching. He coaches people around the country via telephone to improve organization, time management, goal setting and to create the best darn life possible!

For a free 30 minute coaching session, e-mail or visit

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

10 Steps to Christian Success

10 Steps to Christian Success
By Sean Mize

1)Spend time with Jesus Christ every single day. I cannot stress that enough for the success minded Christian. So often we spend our time working on things that have no bearing on our future christian success (nor any current success value) because we havent taken the time to focus and understand what Jesus Christ wants for our lives and our success.

2)Study the Word and discover what the top five (or six) christian success priorities in your life should be. For example, for you it might be: Christ, spouse, children, work, retirement. For another, it might be: Christ, a hobby, work, retirement, missions work. And for yet another: Christ, spouse, work, a hobby, physical fitness. For each of you, christian success priorities might be a little different in the number 4, 5, or (6) spots, but the first two or three are probably Christ and family. Once you know your success priorities, you are ready for step 3)

3)Develop a progress plan for each of your areas of top success priority. When you look at your life six months from now, especially in these areas of success priority, you should be further along and better adapted in each of these areas than you are today. Look back six months ago. Have you improved in each of your success priority areas? If not, you need to take action. Now.

4)Find a christian success mentor. This success mentor should be someone who can be concerned primarily for your personal growth in these areas of success priority. This should not be someone who is an equal with you---someone who also confides in you. This should be a one-way street. They should be able to listen to your success priorities, help you develop a game plan for meeting them, and be able to criticize you when you arent doing what you game plan to do. Because of that, they should probably not be someone with whom you are close emotionally, like a best friend or spouse. They should be a more neutral party, perhaps someone from a small group class at church or someone recommended to you by your pastor.

5)Break each of your success priorities down into individual goal steps. These steps should be small enough that you can focus on that one step at a time and they shouldnt be too hard to accomplish individually, and yet when you have completed all of the steps you have gained significant ground in your priority for the given period, e.g. six months.

6)Write down all of your success priorities and your goal steps for accomplishing them. Leave room next to each goal step to write the date you started the goal step and the date you finished it. At the end of the six months (and during it too) you will be able to specifically track your progress.

7)Eliminate unnecessary things in your life which do not help you accomplish your success priorities. Try unplugging the TV three nights a week until your success priorities are accomplished. Have an email free day of the week. Take Sunday off from everything. If the telephone is an incessant nuisance, turn it off two nights a week.

8)Evaluate your restare you getting enough sleep? What can you do to get more sleep? What about recreation (non-TV)? Are you walking, hiking, reading, meeting with friends regularly? Are you spending enough time with your family without interruptions by the phone or work? Do what it takes to get rest and recreation and include the family in this step.

9)Evaluate your success regularly. There isnt much that substitutes for assessing your progress last week and making goals for the coming week. Sure, some weeks you will fall short, but in others you will easily meet your personal success expectations. As you follow these 10 steps, setting success priorities, making goal steps, and following through on all of it will get easier.

10)Just do it! Start somewhere, start today! Dont just close this page and forget all this! You took the time to read this; if you do nothing with it you will continue to fall short of your own personal expectations.

Written by: Sean Mize, Christian entrepreneur and Christian time management author. http://www.christiansuccessnetwork.comTo subscribe to a free weekly newsletter with more Christian success tips like these, click here:

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Success: By The Numbers

Success: By The Numbers
By Tony Marino, Ph.D.

What is success? Why does it seem everyone wants success? What does success mean to you? Do you need success? Do you deserve success?

That's this week's focus!

Success. Where does it begin and what is it really?

According to Roget's International Thesaurus...

Success is...

* Accomplishment

* Prosperity

* Superiority

* Victory

When one examines the term success in this fashion, one can begin to see that success can be a fairly tall order. I mean success in most cases (our lives of simple normality), we were not simply born of it. Success must be achieved. Accomplishment must be attained. Prosperity must be built. Superiority must be earned. Victory must be won.

I am regularly blown away when I witness so many well-intentioned people try their hand at landing success right here on the NET; only to stumble and bumble through the massive quantities of gibberish found upon the browsers of millions of desktops and notebooks across the globe.

As I answer my hundreds of emails every week, I preach the same message time and again.

My sermon goes something like this...

Unless you have boat-loads of money to burn, you must build your structure one brick at a time. Time is the key.

Today's marketer consists of two separate categories...

Category #1

If you possess pockets deeper than the Grand Canyon itself,


You can easily and quite swiftly generate instant awareness about your product or service.

Category #2

If you are like most people and fit snugly into the upper 90% that must work to make a living,


You must first begin to practice the following disciplines to make the most of your initial e-business efforts:

1. Learn About Yourself...

What makes you tick? What turns you on? What turns you off? And, most importantly, what are you most passionate about?

2. Rely On Patience...

Remind yourself again and again that your new e-business adventure will take a certain amount of time to build. Anything worthy of wearing the ribbon of success did not just happened overnight.

3. Take Baby Steps...

Don't let the mystical world of Smoke and Mirrors send you into instant hyperventilation. Savor your e-business delicacy one bite at a time. Don't race from here to there with arrival of every new email opportunity. Work one e-business venture at a time.

4. Align Yourself With Successful People...

Remember, Success breeds success! If the person or company you are currently following is racing Mach 10 with their hair on fire exuding that Deer-in-the-headlights look, run quickly and furiously in any other direction than the one in which they are going. Hang with those that have proven their success and are more than willing to take you under their wing.

5. Have A Clue...

If you fail to plan than you plan to fail. Whether on a napkin or square sheet of toilet paper, write down your game plan. Always assume that if you do not write it down, you will forget. How can you sell your product or service if you yourself don't know what you're talking about. View your memoirs as a form of a contract to yourself.

About Tony Marino, Ph.D., Marketing

Dr. Tony Marino is not only the CEO of America Web Works (, he is also the Founder of the, the International ePublisher's Association, Christian Times eBusiness Newsletter and the author of the ePublishing Master's Course at: Additionally, he holds Email Compliance Officer status for many of today's leading Network Marketing companies.

He has also worked with the likes of legendary Direct Marketers Ted Nicholas and Gary Halbert. Best-Selling Authors, Harvey McKay, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. ABC Television's, Jimmie Kimmel and NBC's, Carson Daly. Online Marketers, Dale Calvert and Jay Abraham just to name a few. His offices are location in Portland and Los Angeles and he'd love to hear from you anytime!866-824-9684

Article Source:,Ph.D.

The 5 Mistakes that Sabotage Your Success

The 5 Mistakes that Sabotage Your Success
By Liz Pabon

There are times when most of us have experienced that sense of despair that comes from trying to reach our goals and seeing no light at the end of the tunnel, we do the one thing that stops our progress coldwe sabotage ourselves.

During the bomb, there were thousands of highly qualified men and women who could not get a job. No amount of networking, calling in of favors, or bribing helped to get them a new job. The market was in a state of gloom.

As a means to stay connected, myriad of out-of-work networking and other groups were formed. And in these groups business professionals from various walks of life all shared one common battle - the battle to stay positive while under duress.

The small business warrior is no stranger to this battle. Having invested all the time, money and energy you can afford and what youve borrowed the results you anticipated dont come soon enough.

To continue fighting the good fight, and stay on course, avoid the following most common self-sabotage mistakes:

Limited Beliefs
Our thoughts and words are powerful. They are the number one support tool we have to guide us towards our goals.

When we dont believe we can, we wont.

Its a universal law that those things we say to ourselves as well as what we think about, manifests itself in our lives. Changing your belief system as it relates to your success is the #1 first step towards achieving success. Believe that you can, and you will!

Lack of Vision
What is the vision you have for your life by the end of 2006? What about the end of 2007? Do you see significant enrichment in your life? If not, is your vision too small?

Having worked with entrepreneurs for the past few years, one common obstacle that repeatedly reveals itself is lack of vision (no vision at all or a very small view of the future) or vision that is fuzzy, not clear.

Your vision is much like the roadmap for your life. Would you take a long-distance trip without plotting out your route, rest stops, etc.? If you want to enjoy your trip and get to your final destination comfortably, probably not!

Plotting out your vision is essential to make sure you are going in the right direction. Take the time to visualize your future. Dont let limited beliefs and old programming stand in the way of what is possible.

Fear of the unknown
I remember as a small child, jumping into a lake was frightening. Not because I had a fear of water or of drowning, but because I feared what was beneath the dark pool of liquid. I couldnt see what was beyond the top layer of deep blue water and it paralyzed me.

Not knowing what we might encounter by trying a new approach in our business is like jumping into the unknown. As frightening as it might feel, we do not need to be ruled by our feelings.

After finally taking the plunge (no pun intended) and jumping into the lake, I realized that my fear was for nothing. The experience, although scary at first, was invigorating and thrilling. Later, as I got older, I decided to really go into the deep and became a certified scuba diver. Ive never regretted conquering the fear of the unknown.

Toxic relationships
Wouldnt it be lovely if everyone we ever knew and know supported every decision we made with fervor. Some of us are lucky to have incredible support systems in our lives while others battle the war of toxic relationships.

Can we change them? No. The only things we have 100% power over is how we manage what is dished out to us. This means that while we cant expect others to change (nothing wrong with praying for it), we can change how we choose to accept the negative feedback we receive from them.

For example, if you know that a friend, family member or colleague is especially unsupportive of your business, dont discuss business with that person. Instead, discuss your business with those in your sphere that you know will provide you with the support and nurturing you need to lift you up.

While we cant always divorce our family members, we can divorce ourselves from their negativity.

Fear of success
Upon watching a Discovery channel documentary about a young woman that was in excess of 200 pounds overweight, I witnessed fear of success at its worst.

The cameras followed this woman for over one year. During that time she dropped a significant amount of weight and with that loss came the loss of dignity and control. The more weight she lost, the more pressure she felt to stay thin and the more erratic her behavior became.

She later admitted that with each pound lost, she felt pressure to not only keep her weight off but also felt the pressure of living up to a new set of standards the standards she perceived were expected of a thinner woman. Her family and friends offered her all the support they could give. Her perceptions were based on her belief system and not the judgment of her sphere.

Later, no longer being able to handle the pressure (that she put on herself), she began to gain back her weight. At last report, she gained back all of the weight she had worked so hard to loose and gained back even more.

Fear of success is crippling. If you are someone who fears success ask yourself this; would I rather fear success and all that comes with it, or would I rather attract opportunities that are right for me? The choice IS yours.

If you find yourself caught in the fear cycle, re-evaluate your beliefs and vision. You and only you have the power to put a stop to the vicious self-sabotage revolving door.

Remember to think Big, live Big and play Big!

2006 Copyright, Liz Pabon. All rights reserved.

Liz Pabon is inspiring, motivating and empowering - but most importantly, shes effective.
A speaker and author on the topic of personal branding, Liz delivers insights and principles to entrepreneurs that are proven to maximize personal and professional success.
Liz publishes a monthly eZine, Keys to Success, offering success strategies that boost your business! Register for your free subscription at

To learn more about developing your unique personal brand, and to experience a breakthrough in your business contact Liz at 916-788-2962 or email her at

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10 Simple Things you can do Right Now to Achieve Success

10 Simple Things you can do Right Now to Achieve Success
By Tom Ordez

#1) Define what success means to you. What do you need to have done and achieved to consider yourself successful? Write it down, memorise it, and look at it often.

#2) Rid yourself of negative thoughts and pessimistic views. These create mental barriers in your life.

#3) Engage in communal wishing (see disclaimer). Support from a handful of friend is great but with the support network of thousands wishing you success you will be energised and opportunistic. Success will seem flow to you almost effortlessly.


#4) Document a plan to success and break in into simple realistic steps with milestones and timeframes. Many small steps lead to success, dont worry too much about the detail, sometimes the answers to problems will not arrive until you get there. Also, the plan is not set in concrete you can change it as often as you like as long as youre heading towards your goal for success.

#5) Discuss the plan with anyone that may be affected by it. Family and friends can be the biggest barrier to success. They must understand and support what you are trying to achieve.

#6) Organise your life to compliment the plan. Time and focus are critical if you are to make any progress on any plan. You may need to re-prioritise what is important to you. Stop watching that favourite TV show, use your lunch breaks to work on your plan, take your plan with you on the road so every spare minute is not wasted, e.g. in a waiting room at the doctors.


#7) Concentrate of the task that you can do today. Do not worry about the task tomorrow nor the accomplishments of yesterday.

#8) Ensure you enjoy every day of your plan. Cross out the steps you have completed and focus on the how you now have one less task ahead of you.

#9) Dont loose focus. Your plan is the same now as it was when you wrote it. You are closer to achieving it and you have probably learnt a lot. Although there are times on a journey when you are tempted to give up, it is the overcoming of these times that will help define the sense of achievement for you later.


#10) Always celebrate your achievements, ensure you celebrate with others and take time afterwards to reflect on your journey.

Tom Ordez is the founder of a fun and interactive organisation engaged in positively changing the success of its community members through communal wishing. Tom has been labelled the father of communal wishing with his idea of using common bank bills psychometrically imprinted with positive wishes to change the success of its future holder.

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Why You Keep Being Unsuccessful When It Comes To Women

Why You Keep Being Unsuccessful When It Comes To Women
By Donovan Cruise

Think about this:

* When has a woman last cuddled up to you?

* Recently, have you kissed a woman that was considered beautiful?

* Have you walked up to a woman at a bar, and gotten her number within 3 minutes?

* When was the last time a beautiful woman called you?

Seriously, you're searching the internet for tips to help you out with women. How low is that?

Well, I have something I need to confess to you...

I admire you just a little.

It was only one year ago that I was completely UNSUCCESSFUL when it came to attracting and dating women.

I couldn't even do the simple things like:

* Know if a woman wanted to be kissed

* Get a phone number from a woman within 2 minutes

* Know when to hold her hand

* How to tell if she was sexually turned on

* Knowing if she was attracted to me at all

Now... I can go out, and meet and date hot girls. And it's all because I used to have what you have right now.

Desire and motivation.

I know you have it!

You believe you've sunk to a total new low with women, and you can't figure out by yourself what's going on. So you're seeking help elsewhere...

You may even ask yourself questions like:

* Why are there some guys who just fall ass backward into the laps of beautiful woman after beautiful woman?

* Why is there a guy who I'm better looking than, always getting more women than me? (And hotties too)

Can you get the information you're looking for?

The answer is Yes!

I'm going to insult you. (BE WARNED!!)

The reason so many guys are USELESS when it comes to attracting, seducing and dating beautiful women, is because they don't see it through. They only are willing to do something that won't get them out of their comfort zone. In other words, THEY JUST DON'T TRY!

They might be almost to a premanent solution... then they give up!

So whats the solution?

Desire and motivation!

You already have it, otherwise you wouldn't be searching online for it. Do you have what it takes to follow-up on it?

Ok, I'm going to level with you...

You need to get professional help!

It might cost you thousands of dollars in shrink fees. You're going to sit down with a doctor, and he will keep you coming back for months, with each visit costing you hundreds.


You can take my advice, of someone who was in your position, and do something you'd wish you'd done a long time ago. But guess what? (It doesn't even matter what you look like, its all personality)

I'm going to give you JUST ONE SIMPLE resource that will CURE you're problem of not getting the kind of women you want.

Although, I'm alittle hesitant.

You know why?

Cause you'll probably read it and say, eh, that wouldn't do anything. Well.... YOU ARE WRONG! Get your life together, and take the advice of someone whose been where you are right now.

Here is the golden nugget:

My favorite resource is called Double Your Dating. It's written by a man named David DeAngelo.

Guess what?

Even though I'm successful NOW, I refer to it DAILY, still.... ONE YEAR LATER!

He covers everything you could possibly ever need to know. He goes through: the initial conversation, the secret to asking the proper way for a phone number, touching, conversational skills, using cocky humor, and sex. That's not it, he also goes INDEPTH into your mind, exposing weaknesses that are causing internal, negative thoughts that hurt your dating game.

Donovan Cruise posts to The Attraction Chronicles Blog, where you can find loads of informative articles to start attracting gorgeous women right away!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Willingness: The Secret To Your Success

Willingness: The Secret To Your Success
By Joan Clout-Kruse

The secrets out. Its in the title that the secret to your success is to be willing. If willingness is the answer to getting what you want then why do so many people get stuck and fail to achieve their goals?

  • Why doesnt everyone who wants to write a book successfully write and finish it?
  • Why isnt everyone who wants to be a millionaire rich beyond their wildest dreams?
  • Why cant we finish what we started?

Think of a recent goal you started but then got stuck. Do you know why you got stuck and stopped working on it? If you think real hard you will probably know why. The REAL reason: Not because you were too busy.

You started by writing down your goal and developing a list of things you must do to accomplish it. If your goal was to write a book then you made a list of all the things you needed to do to accomplish it and the deadline to finish it.

Your list begins:

1. Set up a writing work area.

2. Do my research.

3. Reserve one hour per day on my calendar.

4. Identify my topic.

5. Name 10 things I want to write about on this topic: These are my chapters.

So far so good. You are working diligently on these activities and it was easier than you thought. The next list:

6. Begin writing at my scheduled time: one hour per day

You list other goals that are needed to finish your book: interviews, phone calls, workshops, etc.

You write a chapter or two in a couple of weeks and then something happens. You run out of steam. All of the sudden you are too busy. But, wait a minute, you had this time on the scheduletoo busy is not the reason.

You have just been sabotagedby you! You realized that writing a book takes some effort, some time, and you must contact people and interview them, etc. There is something on this list that makes you feel uncomfortable and you arent willing to do it. You cannot finish your book. You must be willing to do the items on your list or you will not reach your goal. You might be able to skip one or two of the items and still finish your book. Yet the secret to your success is your willingness to follow through, take action, and do it.

Take a look at your list and promise yourself, I will do it, and mean it--then you will reach your goal. If the task you must do feels uncomfortable to youdo it anyway. The agonizing, uncomfortable feeling will pass once you do it.

Every day we have the choice to succeed or fail. Your success begins and ends with you and your desire to succeed. Choose what you want in life and go for it.

Joan Clout-Kruse is the author of Top 10 Traits of Silicon Valley Dynamos, and the e-books How to Write Your Great Book in 90 Days or less and The ABCs of Success. These books can help you plan and set tasks to achieve your goals. Contact her through her Web site or at 650 759-2042. She can help you write a how to book or booklet to attract clients and get recognized as an expert in your field. She offers 30 to 90 Day book writing programs through personal coaching, e-mail and teleseminars.

Attention publishers: You are welcome to reprint this article in its entirety--please leave the links in place. Do not modify. Thanks.

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Training for Success Deliberately Creating Success Makes It Inevitable!

Training for Success - Deliberately Creating Success Makes It Inevitable!
By Elaine Hamilton

Society measures success in terms of tangibles: cash, career, condo, car. The outward trappings of wealth. But how would YOU define success? Lets say you had all the riches in the worlds, then what?

how would you spend your time?

what would fulfill you?

how would you want to feel on a constant basis?

Before you can achieve BIG dreams, you need to be who you want to be already. A top athlete wins races through already being a winner. Before he gets onto the starting block, he already has the ability, strength, agility, fitness and speed to win. Our dreams are the same, yet we approach them with the intention of 'seeing what happens'. We set goals and sort of haphazardly wind our way towards them thinking that once we reach the finish line - then we will be successful, or not. With this sort of mentality, no wonder most of us fall short!

Think like an athlete. In order to reach your goals and be fulfilled, what do you need to be training for now? Only when you have mastered the running can you truly win a race.

What sort of training am I referring to? What is your measurement of success? What would you need in your life to be 100% fulfilled? Think carefully about this. We usually knee jerk with 'more money', or 'more love' but quantify it. How much money, how much love will make you 100% fulfilled? We normally want money to DO something else. Perhaps we dream of being financially independent so that we can chase another dream - imagine someone gives you 1 billion dollars, what would you do with it? Perhaps you'd blow it on the condo and car and holidays...but then what? Deep down, we are not lazy people. Sitting around on holiday for the rest of our lives would kill us with boredom! We are, I think, all striving for something else, some inner journey.

For example, I measure my success by:

How much joy I feel from my work I want to spend my time only on things that I am passionate about, that means my family, my coaching, my community website, so I measure my success on how much time I spend doing solely those sort of activities.

How much love I can give to others this fulfills me, how much I can give relates to how in balance and how in tune I am with my own needs, when I am run down or doing things I am not passionate about I feel drained and I have little to give others, so its a pretty easy measurement of success!

How content I am feeling on a minute to minute basis I love feeling content! I want to achieve this on a constant basis, so I measure my success on how consistently I feel this during my day.

Training for success means you need to know your success criteria, and then spending a good part of each day doing just that.

Daily I think about these criteria, and daily I am tested. I have days when I feel terrible, or days when I yell at others instead of love them, or days when I can't wait to finish my days work and get some respite. Every one of these days prompts me to ask myself how I can get back to my training regiment, tomorrow is another day. I DON'T ask myself why did I fail, or why am I so hopeless, or why can't I do this. Eliminate 'why' from your questioning if you can. Stick to 'how' questions, they are much more empowering. Ask yourself how can I increase my 'success' score every day?, or how can I do things differently to increase the amount of success I feel in my life?

The way I see it, if I keep training and focusing on my 3 success criteria, I will become more and more proficient. Imagine the space I will be in when I am 100% content, loving, and joyful. WOW! And as I progress, I am increasing that percentage every day, every year. So even now, I am already content, loving and joyful- not 100 percent but some percent, and I am consciously aware of the days and moments, so that brings me even more joy! Day by day, week by week.

Think of the alternative. Just say I had some goals (some races I wanted to win) - I wanted to become financially independent so I worked hard at a well paid job (that I didn't really like, but hey! It pays the bills!) And decided to retire at 60 and then follow my real passion of coaching. I decided that all good things come to those who wait, so every day I went to work and did a job I didn't like -justifying to myself that when I'm 60, I'll be happy. Its a scary thought that instead of having all these many years of growing success (contentment, loving others, joyful work), I could be waiting until I hit 60.

Some of the training will require big changes - perhaps you need to change your job, your relationships, your way of relating with others, your habits, your decisions. Sometimes you'll simply need to be aware of your success criteria and make small changes. During one of my workshops, one of my participants shared that she loved watching sunsets, but never had the time. She reasoned that if she could watch just one or two beautiful sunsets a week - it would dramatically increase her level of success. What a fantastic realization, and so easy to do! Of course she would need to be firm - walk out the house and go to a place to rest and watch, perhaps face an annoyed and hungry family later etc. But it is barriers like this that cause us to wait for success in the first place - other people take over our lives, and we wait until we are 60 to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

Do the training, define your success criteria and just start doing it, little by little, day by dayyoull be amazed at the results!

Elaine Hamilton Grundy, Life Coach and Reiki Master Teacher, has been teaching and speaking internationally since 1995 helping thousands of people through her workshops and personal consultations.

Elaine is teaching and coaching in Singapore. Please visit for more information on her classes and talks.

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Winning Mind: 8 Steps to Achieving Success in Business and Life

Winning Mind: 8 Steps to Achieving Success in Business and Life
By Clay Lowe

We will either find a way, or make one. General Hannibal

A winning mind in business and in life is essential for success. A winning mind is something that must be actively cultivated and become a part of your everyday way of thinking and being.

I still recall the words of my Judo coach during my semi-final match at the Eastern Collegiate Judo Championships. I was going up against an opponent who I thought was a better Judoka than me, and as such I decided to play a defensive game. During a time out in the match, my coach grabbed me and stared ferociously into my eyes and said, Concentrate on winning; losing will take care of itself. Winning is an attitude and a champion must take on this attitude in order to take the top prize.

So how do you develop a winning mind mindset? Here are 8 steps to guide you through developing a winning mind.

1. Know yourself. The Sun god Apollo had inscribed on his Oracle of Delphi temple the phrase, gnothi se auton, which meant know thyself. For you to develop a winning mind, you must first take stock of yourself by exploring your strengths and weaknesses. Once you have this information, use it to help you concentrate on building on your strengths and then work to reduce your weaknesses.

2. Set realistic goals. The winning mind comes from having well defined goals with well formed outcomes. It is easier to focus the mind if you have realistic aims, objectives and goals. A well formed goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time driven (SMART). It is also important to address the ultimate goal in terms of the why or purpose behind it. You must never lose sight of your ultimate goal because its the fuel that drives you forward to achieving it.

3. Learn to be confident. Confidence is a key component of the winning mind. To win, you need to be extremely confident in yourself, your ability and in your belief that you can and will win. People respond favourably to confidence. A confident person commands respect. Even if you dont feel overwhelmingly confident, still act as if you are confident and you will be confident. Just like an actor, you can get into character and assume the role of a confident person. The use of positive affirmations is another technique to help you build your confidence. Repeating phrases like, I will do, or I can do, helps to train the mind to assume the role.

4. Seek personal excellence. Winning is a full time occupation. It takes a lot of dedication, commitment and sacrifice to be the best. If you want to develop a winning is everything attitude, you must proactively seek personal excellence. Personal excellence is doing things with heart. It doesnt matter if its a big or small task; a winning mindset demands that you give 120% effort and then some. To quote a noted sage, Do or do not. There is no try. Thats personal excellence.

5. Focus. To have a winning attitude you have to have the ability to focus exclusively on the task at hand. The focus of planning, writing goals, and training should all be geared toward winning. All though you may have the support of family, friends, coach or mentor, in the end, all the effort comes down to you. You have to focus and strive to reach your desired goal. Block out the distractions and focus on what you want to achieve. Henry Ford once said, Obstacles are the things we see when we take our eyes off of the goal. Stay focused.

6. Honesty. To have a winning mindset, you must value honesty. You must be honest with those closest to you: their coach, partner, boss etc. But more importantly you must be honest with yourself. Graham Greene once wrote that we can never truly know another person. Only you will truly know in your mind if you are giving your all in the pursuit of winning.

7. The three Cs. According to the psychologist Suzanne Kobasa, people with a winning mindset possess what she calls the three Cs: commitment, control, and challenge. The winning mindset requires you to be committed to achieving your goals. You must also feel in control of events rather than letting events control you. And you must see challenge as an opportunity and embrace it as par for the course of being a person with a winning mind.

8. Never give up. The dedication to winning can be tough. But the true champion, the true winner, never ever gives up. It doesnt matter how hard things get or how difficult the task becomes, the person with the attitude that winning is everything, never ever gives up.

If you are serious about the pursuit of winning, you must cultivate a winning mind. By following these 8 steps you will be well on your way to seizing the mantle of victory and living the idea that winning is an attitude.

There is no substitute for victory. General Douglas MacArthur

Clayton Lowe 2006

Clay Lowe is the Director of Ascent: The Adventure Coaching Experience that could change your life. Ascent takes you on a hero's journey through which you explore your own hopes and dreams for the future, and discover your true potential and purpose. Answer the Call to Adventure and visit our website at:

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Monday, October 20, 2008

10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace Wayne Dyer Book MiniReview

10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace - Wayne Dyer Book Mini-Review
By Chris Knight

Dr. Wayne Dyer published his best-selling book, 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace and it's an easy read. It's the type of book that you can crack open and find nuggets on pretty much every page you open it to.

Unlike books that give specific advice about actions you could take to achieve success, Dr. Dyer doesn't share any advice on goal-setting, planning your future, or how to listen to older folks who have been there, done that. Instead, he wrote the book to help folks avoid feelings of inadequacy or inner remorse for not having listened to their inner guidance. While the book does have discussion around becoming a greater 'success' in life, perhaps it's more appropriate to say that the book is about finding your own 'inner peace' moreso than success itself.

As I read his book, I couldn't help thinking that the 10 secrets are really reminders of what we already know to be true. Most people turn into autonomous robots going through the daily routine of life without giving any thoughts or meditation to slow down enough to listen to their own inner voice.

Some of Dr. Dyer's ten principles include:

  • Being open to everything and attached to nothing.
  • Embracing silence, since meditation is the only way to truly come to know your Source.
  • Knowing that you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it.
  • Treating yourself as if you already are what you'd like to become.

Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended

One takeaway that I took from the book that is worth sharing: When I first read the book, there must have been at least 10 times that I read something that I wished someone else in my life would better understand.

Example: On Page 110, Dr. Dyer says, Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended and I immediately thought of someone else that I know who is easily offended or looks to be offended daily.

A few years later, I came to understand that this message was for me to understand (and not for others I thought 'should' understand the concepts). Seems more important to be able to release our judgment of others who choose to become offended easily.

We each create our own personal experience and really only have full control over our own perceptions of reality. Conversely, we have very little control over others. Therefore, it's the work of the ego that encourages us to judge and compare what others do against what we think they should do. Not exactly the formula for 'inner peace.' Therefore one of the secrets Dr. Dyer encourages us to consider is that there are no justified resentments.


If you've been reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's self help books since the 1970's, you'll quickly realize that this book offers or reinforces many of the same messages he has been talking about for decades. Still, it would be hard to read this book and not take 10 things out of it before you finish the first chapter. The 10th secret is my favorite. The ISBN for 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace is: 1561708755 and it's worth picking up if you don't already own it.

Resource Box:

Chris Knight is the moderator of the fan discussion board for Dr. Wayne Dyer: -- He invites you to drop by, register for free, and join the discussion. It's by fans and for fans of Dr. Wayne Dyer, and as such, is not connected directly with Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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Defining and Feeling Successful (However you define success)

Defining and Feeling Successful (However you define success)
By Tony Mckeown

Formula For Success

The winners in this life know the rules of the game and have a plan. Whether you're looking to heal a relationship, get a new job, lose weight or find inner peace, consider these characteristics, which are common to people who succeed.


A young boy was with his father in a sweet /candy store. Amazed at all the goods on offer, he pressed his nose on the glass cabinet and marvelled at the selection on offer. Pretty soon the storekeeper asked the boy to reach in to the jars and take what he wanted, a special treat on the storekeeper. Eyes a-wide he remained motionless and speechless! Go on son, dig in and take your pick, but the son remained unmoved once again. Embarrassed, the father reached up and took a handful and gave it to the storekeeper to wrap. After showing their appreciation the father and son journeyed home. Son, why didnt you take the candy on offer when asked to do so? The son looked his father in the eye and replied, Because your hands are bigger than mine, dad.

All too often we face the options available to us in life with the same sort of amazement, and reluctance. To make the right choices, we need to reach into the candy jar and trust that our hands may not be as big as our fathers hands, but it is a start.


Champions get what they want because they know what they want.

They have a vision that keeps them motivated and efficiently on track. They see it, feel it, and experience it in their minds and hearts. What is success for you? You won't get there without knowing what it feels and looks like.


People who consistently win have a clear and thoughtful strategy.

They know what they need to do and when they need to do it. They write it down so they stay on course, and avoid any alternative that does not get them closer to the finish line.


Are you excited to get up in the morning? People with a passion are, and they're energized about what they are doing.

You need to live and breathe what it is that you want, and be passionately invested in both the journey and the goal.


People who consistently win have no room in their lives for denial, fantasy or fiction.

They are self-critical rather than self-deluding, and they hold themselves to high but realistic standards. They deal with the truth, since they recognize that nothing else will make their vision obtainable.


Life is not a success-only journey. Even the best-laid plans sometimes must be altered and changed.

Be open to input and consider any potentially viable alternative. Be willing to be wrong and be willing to start over.


People who consistently win are willing to get out of their comfort zone and try new things.

Be willing to take the plunge into the unknown if necessary, and leave behind the tried and tested (which is our comfort zone), the un-challenged, and familiar existence in order to grow more. (dads hands are bigger than mine)


Surround yourself with a group of people who want you to succeed.

They will move with you toward your goal. Choose and bond with people who have skills, talents and abilities that you do not. Winners give and receive by being part of other people's nuclear groups.


Do it! People who succeed don't just sit and think about what they want to do.

They take meaningful, purposeful, directional action consistently and persistently. Every step they take puts them toward the outcome they're looking for.


People who are consistent winners manage their challenges in hierarchical fashion.

They commit to managing their time in such a way that does not allow them to spend time grinding along on priority number two or three if priority number one needs their attention.


People who consistently win consciously and pointedly take care of themselves as individuals.

They are the most important resource they have in achieving their goals. They actively manage their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.

The old adage of fail to plan = plan to fail rings so true in any area of life. Success has persistence as its guide. Perhaps the single most important factor in a successful persons life, is self-discipline. Observe the daily routine of an individual, and you can quickly determine their probable outcome. In my book Seven steps to empowerment, I outline The secret of success is found in the daily routine or habits.

All the information in the world will not initiate anything. Even a dictionary with all its definition on words cannot initiate conversation. All the ideas I have within these pages will not initiate your dreams but they will motivate you to action.

Tony Mckeown is a personal life coach and director of coaching 4 life New Zealand. He has a passion for empowering people to find their life mission and purpose.

He has authored training manuals, motivational rticles,numerous e-books and regularly hosts international tele-classes and conferences on vision. His practical approach to spiritualityand leadership development are key qualities organisations seek him to impart. His clients are world-wide and can be contacted online.

His free monthly newsletter get a life,is by subscription and provides free motivational downloads from his coaching site:

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Working With Witchcraft To Bring Success & Money Into Your Life

Working With Witchcraft To Bring Success & Money Into Your Life
By Arabella Jolie

Who doesnt wish for greater success and more money? These are things that everyone wants. While witchcraft is by no means a cosmic cash station, you can use it to help bring opportunities and good fortune into your life.

Spells for success involve a good deal of commitment. A spell can help you by providing opportunity, but it is still up to you to do the work that goes along with success. When casting spells that will result in personal gain, it is very important to remember the threefold law.

Everything that you put out, for good or bad, will return to you times three. In these matters, you must always remember that if you are receiving something, you must be prepared to give as well. You should also know the limits of what you are willing to give. A new promotion may be your goal, but if it means that you are not able to spend enough time with your family, you may find the price is higher than you expected.

Spells for money can raise the same issues. While you may wish for a sudden windfall, you would not necessarily want it at any personal cost. In these matters, it is important to use a spell that attracts money and good fortune, rather than forcing it. In this way, you protect yourself against a negative return.

Working With Witchcraft When Searching for Success

You may be looking for your first real job, trying to get a big promotion after a number of years, or starting up your own business, and you are looking for success. A spell to be successful, like the one below can help you believe in yourself and attract opportunity.

To Bring Success Spell

Tools and ingredients

Two green candles
A bowl full of fresh leaves from four of the following plants: Marigold, Celery, Mint,
Grass, Nasturtium, Parsley, Cress, and Comfrey.
Silver ribbon

Step 1. After collecting the tools and ingredients, prepare the space around the bathtub according to your own ritual, or by lightly sprinkling salt in a circle around it while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ Only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.

Step 2. Light the candles and fill the bathtub.

Step 3. As the tub is filling, concentrate on that thing which is your goal. Visualize the steps necessary to achieve it.

Step 4. When the bath is ready, sprinkle the leaves throughout the tub.

Step 5. Get into the bath and inhale the steam as you speak the following words seven times: Blessed One within and without/ As green and strong these gentle herbs are/ let them draw to me favor and fortune/ In your wisdom show me/ how to achieve that which I desire.

Note. If you have a specific goal in mind, it is appropriate to add that to the end of this incantation. Whether you know your goal or if it is more general, it is very important to visualize the success you desire.

Step 6. Remain in the bath as long as you like, meditating on your desired goal. When you are finished, collect the wet leaves into the piece of cheesecloth and gather up the sides to make a bag. Tie it with the silver ribbon and hang it to dry.

Step 7. At night, when you sleep, place the bag under your pillow. As you sleep, repeat the incantation and visualize your success.

Arabella Jolie
Whyte Witch

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Working With Witchcraft To Bring Success & Money Into Your Life

Working With Witchcraft To Bring Success & Money Into Your Life
By Arabella Jolie

Who doesnt wish for greater success and more money? These are things that everyone wants. While witchcraft is by no means a cosmic cash station, you can use it to help bring opportunities and good fortune into your life.

Spells for success involve a good deal of commitment. A spell can help you by providing opportunity, but it is still up to you to do the work that goes along with success. When casting spells that will result in personal gain, it is very important to remember the threefold law.

Everything that you put out, for good or bad, will return to you times three. In these matters, you must always remember that if you are receiving something, you must be prepared to give as well. You should also know the limits of what you are willing to give. A new promotion may be your goal, but if it means that you are not able to spend enough time with your family, you may find the price is higher than you expected.

Spells for money can raise the same issues. While you may wish for a sudden windfall, you would not necessarily want it at any personal cost. In these matters, it is important to use a spell that attracts money and good fortune, rather than forcing it. In this way, you protect yourself against a negative return.

Working With Witchcraft When Searching for Success

You may be looking for your first real job, trying to get a big promotion after a number of years, or starting up your own business, and you are looking for success. A spell to be successful, like the one below can help you believe in yourself and attract opportunity.

To Bring Success Spell

Tools and ingredients

Two green candles
A bowl full of fresh leaves from four of the following plants: Marigold, Celery, Mint,
Grass, Nasturtium, Parsley, Cress, and Comfrey.
Silver ribbon

Step 1. After collecting the tools and ingredients, prepare the space around the bathtub according to your own ritual, or by lightly sprinkling salt in a circle around it while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ Only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.

Step 2. Light the candles and fill the bathtub.

Step 3. As the tub is filling, concentrate on that thing which is your goal. Visualize the steps necessary to achieve it.

Step 4. When the bath is ready, sprinkle the leaves throughout the tub.

Step 5. Get into the bath and inhale the steam as you speak the following words seven times: Blessed One within and without/ As green and strong these gentle herbs are/ let them draw to me favor and fortune/ In your wisdom show me/ how to achieve that which I desire.

Note. If you have a specific goal in mind, it is appropriate to add that to the end of this incantation. Whether you know your goal or if it is more general, it is very important to visualize the success you desire.

Step 6. Remain in the bath as long as you like, meditating on your desired goal. When you are finished, collect the wet leaves into the piece of cheesecloth and gather up the sides to make a bag. Tie it with the silver ribbon and hang it to dry.

Step 7. At night, when you sleep, place the bag under your pillow. As you sleep, repeat the incantation and visualize your success.

Arabella Jolie
Whyte Witch

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Do You Deserve Success?

Do You Deserve Success?
By Leslie Fieger

Deep down, where it counts, many people do not believe that they deserve success. They do not think that they are worthy of success. And they may be right.

They long for success. They imagine success. They struggle for success. They aim for success. But, they are addicted to failure.

Yes, addicted. They refuse to give up their habitual ways of thinking, despite the overwhelming evidence that their thinking is not producing success. They refuse to give up their habitual beliefs, despite the obvious evidence that those beliefs are not conducive to success.

Every successful person I have ever met reports that it is their thinking that first stood in the way of their success and then, when they changed how and what they thought, paved the way for their success. It is the same experience I had.

Every successful person I have met believes that they deserve success. Not because they are smarter. Not because they are better educated. Not because they are in any way special or unique. They believe that they deserve success simply because they believe that they deserve success. And, they are right.

Those who are spiritually minded have a couple of preconceptions (beliefs and thoughts) about success that do not serve them and may be preventing them from achieving their ideal of success.

One is that in order to deserve success, you need to be a good person as judged by societal norms; and Two, that material success is not really a spiritual thing and may detract from spiritual development. Wrong on both counts.

Those who are materialistically minded also have a couple of preconceptions about success that do not serve them and may be preventing them from achieving their ideal of success.

One is that spiritual principles have nothing to do with material success and may detract from success; and Two, that success is a matter of doing certain things, not about being a certain way. Wrong on both counts.

Success is a holistic thing. The material is inseparable from the spiritual. The spiritual is inseparable from the material. Spiritual success without material success is as empty and meaningless as is material success without spiritual success.

In the end, it is not about doing anything. You can do all the spiritual things or you can do all the material things and still not be successful. You can do all the doing you want. You can do whatever you want. But, you will never have success, no matter what you do UNTIL you learn that it all begins with who you are.

Who you are is spirit, is light, is consciousness. Consciousness is metaphysical or spiritual. The primary activities of consciousness are thinking and believing.

Thinking and believing are metaphysical or spiritual attributes. It is the metaphysical or spiritual that brings forth the physical.

The formula is BE then DO then HAVE. First become worthy. Then, do whatever you like. Then, you will have success.

Become worthy by thinking correctly. Become worthy by believing correctly.

Look at the universe. Abundance is a fact. Lack is an erroneous perception. Stop thinking thoughts of lack and limitation. Stop believing in lack and limitation. Think abundance. Believe in abundance. Then, you will be worthy of being abundant and having abundance.

I believe that you do deserve success. I believe that everyone does, potentially. It is an unfortunate fact, however, that only those who know that they deserve success actually get it. Examine your predominant thoughts; examine your core beliefs.

Do you deserve success? Only if you think so and only if you believe so.

Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at or

Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Key to Success: 10 Success Tips for Maximum Achievement

Key to Success: 10 Success Tips for Maximum Achievement
By Sharif Khan

First off, I would echo the voice of 18th century French philosopher Voltaire, made popular and relevant in todays leadership lexicon by Good to Great author Jim Collins, who said, Good is the Enemy of Great.

1. Good is the Enemy of Great. Get rid of the good to make room for the great in your life. Instead of keeping the main thing the main thing, we major in too many minor things. In other words, many people do a few things that are good, a lot of things that are mediocre, but nothing that is GREAT.

Find the ONE thing you can be the best in the world at and focus unrelentingly on improving that one thing, polishing it to perfection.

Choose great over good in ALL areas of your life! It is far better to have a few great things than a lot of good or mediocre things.

Instead of having six cheap shirts that you dont feel so great in, have one fine quality shirt that you can feel proud to wear and that makes you feel like a million bucks! Instead of having five or six ho-hum paintings to decorate your walls, invest in ONE magnificent masterpiece that leaves you breathless and enriches your soul every time you look at it! Instead of going to the usual cottage retreat every long-weekend, save up your money and go on one GREAT vacation that youve always dreamed of like going on a European boat-cruise, snorkeling in the Red Sea, or taking an art class in Paris. Instead of many mediocre friendships, have a few great friendships that energize and inspire you and that you can spend quality time fostering deeperrelationships. You get the point.

Greatness is a choice! And choice is the democratic equalizer of all people. Everyone, regardless of their rank, social status or income level has the power to choose great over good.

2. Commit to an annual theme. Instead of making and breaking a number of well-wished but half-hearted New Years Resolutions, commit to an annual or lifetime theme. Pick a theme that defines your singular life purpose or what you are most passionate about and stick to it.

For example, my theme is: Write First! I have this theme posted right in front of me above my computer. My purpose is to write.

I write first and ask questions later. I focus on writing (or things related to developing my writing) first and then worry about the urgent but non-important interruptions (paying bills, answering calls and emails, responding to invitations, etc.) that plague everyone. This theme takes precedence over everything else except my spiritual relationship with my Creator. The only exception to this rule would be a genuinely important priority that falls in one of my top values in life or attending to a family emergency.

Your main theme for 2006 could be Family First! or Health First! or Listen First! or Service Above Self. Just pick one and commit to it.

Beside your main theme, make a list of your top values such as love, health, giving, peace, wealth, etc. to ground yourself and distinguish between important and non-important but urgent matters. In his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin listed thirteen virtues (Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humility) to which he governed his life and gave a weeks strict attention to mastering one virtue at a time repeating the list in order every thirteen weeks.

3. Practice a policy of planned neglect. In other words, once you have established your theme or singular purpose (the one thing you can be the best in the world at) get into the habit of practicing your main habit FIRST before anything else.

Everything else thats non-important can get neglected and keep getting put-off. In other words, your daily to-do list will keep changing around your main theme which will remain constant with very few exceptions.

4. Make a stop doing list. Im not sure where I first heard this idea, but I borrowed it most recently from Jim Collins book, Good to Great. Too many people have important to-do lists that keep getting longer and longer. But very few people have stop-doing lists. Make a list of everything you are doing that is not contributing to your core genius or main purpose and core values and stop doing it! Forget about your image and what other people will think, and STOP doing whats not great in your life.

5. Be Simple. Get rid of the good to make room for the great. Literally! Get rid of the junk in your basement and file folders!

Anything you havent touched or looked at in a year you probably need to get rid of it. Donate books and magazines you havent read and clothes you know youre never going to wear. Empty your mind and physical space of unnecessary clutter and make room for abundance! (Daily meditation is a great way to empty the mind and allow new inspiration).

6. Make HEALTH a priority NOW! Get a full physical check-up at least once a year. If somethings bothering you or you dont feel right about something, get it checked out IMMEDIATELY! Dont wait, until its too late. Take a proactive approach to your health by taking preventative measures, eating healthy and exercising regularly. And make LOVE a top priority. If you havent taken the time to tell your loved ones how deeply you value and love them, then make time for it now.

Are you still reading this article? WHY? Pick-up your phone, right now, and call your doctor to make that appointment! Call your loved ones now and book some real quality time together. Life is short and fragile. You may never get the chance again.

7. Dreams. The dream is a window into your soul, a gateway into the unseen world, giving access to the unknown and revealing the invisible behind all that is visible. In my book, Psychology of the Hero Soul, (; Chapter 14; pg. 77)I mention the importance of dreams and how to harness your dreams to awaken your creative potential. I cant stress enough how important it is to get into the habit of jotting down your dreams and making an effort to interpret them. It is a great way to develop self-awareness and self-understanding and will enrich your life in many, many unforeseen ways.

Self-awareness and self-acceptance is so important in developing your self-esteem. Take the time to seriously ask yourself, Who am I and whats my purpose in life? Write down your strengths and weakness, your highest ambitions and deepest fears, and make a list of everything you enjoy doing and all your hobbies. Take some personality tests to gain deeper understanding of who you are.

8. Face the brutal facts! Never hide from reality. Always get the hard facts about any situation you are facing. It doesnt matter if you have a Harvard MBA and are the worlds greatest optimist if you pick the wrong location to open up a retail business!

Likewise, face the brutal facts about yourself. If you havent even come close to achieving your dreams and goals, you need to honestly ask yourself why you havent reached your goals and figure out what has been preventing you. A great way to accomplish this is to ask a few friends you trust and who know you the following question: How do you see me limiting myself? (I have Jack Canfield to thank for this great question).

Once you have the facts and fully understand the problem, spend over eighty percent of your time focusing on the solution.

9. ASK for help! If you need help, ask for it. If you dont ask, you dont get. Ask for the sale, ask for the date, ask for support. Stop worrying about your image, reject the rejection, and ASK!

But dont just be a taker. Please also give. Earn the right to ask by being a giver. Be a generous giver because whatever you put out into the world will return multiplied. The heros journey is about following your bliss, and doing what you love to do in service to others. Service above self, is a great motto to adopt.

10. Take Action! In my Hero Soul book, I have dedicated an entire chapter on taking action. The great succeed by taking continuous and concerted action toward a singular objective. And they continue to take unrelenting, consistent action for a period of years before becoming overnight successes.

If you do just five new things every day towards achieving your biggest dream, you will one day be living your dream and as Thoreau once said, meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

But if you arent going to take action on the advice in this article, why the heck are you reading it? Move on to something else!

One of my favorite movies is The Shawshank Redemption (based on Stephen Kings short story, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption) about a successful banker, Andy Dufresne, who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife. Im sure many of you have seen it.

For nineteen years Dufresne quietly chips away at his goal to escape by literally chipping the wall in his cell a little bit every day until one day he reaches his goal and escapes.

His jail buddy, Red, comments that all it took was pressure and time.

I dont think Ive ever seen any movie replayed so many times on TV. It really intrigued me. So I did some research and found out that according to IMDB, The Shawshank Redemption is the second most popular movie of all time with The Godfather taking first place! Thats quite the accomplishment given how long The Godfather has been out.

Why is this movie so popular? I dont really know the answer. But I think its because many people feel like theyre living in a prison and have been given a life sentence to doing work they really hate. They want to break free from their shackles.

More than anything else, they want FREEDOM! And Shawshank delivers that moment of freedom. Its a beautiful story that makes the soul weep with joy and provides the hope and promise of being human.

The great thing about Shawshank is that it also provides a solution: by quietly chipping away at your main goal and consistently taking action everyday, you will achieve the success and freedom you have been longing for. With pressure and time you can take the darkest coal and turn it into the most brilliant, most magnificent diamond the world has ever seen.

Sharif Khan (; is a motivational speaker, freelance writer, coach, and author of Psychology of the Hero Soul, an inspirational book on awakening the hero within and developing peoples leadership potential. To contact Sharif directly, call: (416) 417-1259.

Copyright 2005 by Sharif Khan

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Focus Organization Productivity Is There a Unifying Element to Success?

Focus, Organization, Productivity - Is There a Unifying Element to Success?
By Chris Crouch


I guess at this point in my life, some would say I have gone completely around the bend or over the edge about this issue of getting more focused, organized and productive. It is no longer just an area of interest for me. It is my career, my passion and pretty much all I want to do for the rest of my life. I believe that studying about and teaching this body of knowledge is my true calling, and my fascination with this field continues to grow stronger each day.

If you study any topic diligently, sooner or later you begin to see fascinating connections and begin to understand how the various strands of knowledge and snippets of information come together at a common point. When this starts to happen, you cant help but wonder about the unifying element of it all. You wonder, Is there a central idea, concept or focal point that pulls it all together?

Sois there a focal point or unifying element of getting focused, organized and productive? Im beginning to think there is!

So What?

If you observe highly focused people, you can usually track their behavior to the same controlling source. If you trace good organizing habits to their source, you always arrive at the same place. If you track down what makes a person highly productive, once again, you find yourself heading in the same direction. Its as if you backed down the train tracks heading out of New York City until you arrived at their originating point. If you do this, sooner or later, you arrive at or near 42nd Street and Park AvenueNew Yorks Grand Central Terminal.

In similar fashion, if you back down the tracks leading to focus, organization and productivitythey take you to the Grand Central Terminal of human beingsthe brain.

I often tell people who are struggling to get organized, If you get your mind righteverything else will begin to easily fall into place. I suspect most people probably pass this off as a casual statement or consider it tired, worn-out advice. However, in my mind, there is no better advice I can offer. I have studied this topic for a long, long time. I am becoming more convinced that the human brain is the focal point that pulls everything together. Therefore, if you understand more about how the brain works, you will begin to uncover the true secrets of living a more focused, organized and productive life.

Now What?

A friend of mine recently bought a very expensive, very sophisticated new car. Right after he bought it, we jumped in his car and took a short ride. The car is the high-tech automotive equivalent of a thermos. It knows! Just as a thermos somehow magically knows to keep cold things cold, and hot things hotthis car knows how to assess various situations and respond accordingly and appropriately. It has enough buttons, switches, bells, whistles, gadgets and features to keep a rocket scientist happy for quite some time. Fortunately, my friend is a maven with regard to such matters, and I am convinced he will learn to use all the technological wonders available in his new car. However, I imagine some people will buy a car just like my friends and never learn to use a fraction of the gadgets. All the gadgets will be available, ready for usebut they will get little use out of them until they take the time to understand how these features work.

In a sense, this is a good metaphor for your brain. It also has a lot of interesting bells, whistles, gadgets and features. You increase your ability to take advantage of these wonderful features if you know more about how they work. Here are just a few examples:

  • The brain has three separate systems that either work in harmony or compete for control over your behavior. One system is in control of your automatic functions such as breathing, heartbeat, temperature, metabolism, etc. A separate brain system controls your emotional functions. A third system controls your ability to think and exercise sound judgment. Everything works best when the systems are in balance and working together. When you see someone who is focused, organized and productive, the three systems are operating in harmony. The best way to create balance among the three systems is to pace yourself properly (as opposed to overloading your systems with too much input) and simply think about what you are doingwhen you are doing it. Another way of saying this is: Do one thing at a time! Somewhat rare behavior these days. The brain systems work together best when you focus on one thing at a time.

  • When you begin to overload your brain systems by multitasking, rushing or operating under too much stress, your emotional brain (the limbic system) takes over and starts calling the shots. One part of your emotional brain (the amygdala) hijacks your body and takes total control over your behavior. Although this can be a good thing at times (for example, if you find yourself being chased by a saber-toothed tiger), unlike a thermos, the emotional brain doesnt always know how to respond appropriately to incoming messages from your five senses. For example, when the incoming messages indicate a tiger is on your tail, every nonessential brain system that doesnt have a lot to do with running in the opposite direction is essentially shut down. One of the first systems to shut down is the thinking system of your brain (the neocortex). Your emotional brain basically says, Dont thinkrun! The good newswe are not chased by tigers very often these days. The bad newsthe brain doesnt know that. Anytime you operate under too much stress, the brain thinks a tiger is on your tail and shuts down the thinking functions of your brain. In general, when the thinking functions of your brain are shut down, you default to your habitsgood or bad.

  • The moral of this storyif you are going to operate in a state of heightened emotions, you had better install some very good habits in your brain and nervous system to handle things important to you. Thats why they make pilots, astronauts and military people drill on emergency procedures so much. When the amygdala hijacks their bodies, they can still function effectively. Therefore, forming habits is the key to success in getting more focused, organized and productive. Planners, file systems, electronic gadgets and gizmos only work if the proper habits are formed first.

  • The brain also houses your memory system, which operates much like a sophisticated tape recorder. Unlike a regular tape recorder, the brains memory system stores both facts and feelings. When things happen to you, a part of your emotional brain (the hippocampus) records the facts related to what happened and another part (the amygdala, again) records the feelings associated with the facts. When a similar, not necessarily identical, set of facts occur in the future, the tape recorder is turned on and the recorded feelings resurface and strongly influence your behavior. For example, if your parents scared you as a child by saying, Dont talk to strangers, a little too often with a little too much emotion, you may have trouble being a superstar salesperson as an adult. Youve probably got a tape running that inhibits your ability to perform one of the most critical functions in salestalking to strangers. Most people have strong tapes related to money, taking orders, giving orders, being assertive and other issues related to being a successful businessperson. Some of your tapes serve you wellsome dont! Learning more about your tapes can be an enlightening experience.

  • Although people often compare the brain to a computer, it is really better to think of it more as a chemical factory. All instructions issued by the brain are carried out by chemicals call neurotransmitters. Therefore, what you eat, how much you exercise, how you breathe, and anything you do that alters the chemicals flowing through your brain can alter your behavior. Basically, the neurotransmitters running through your brain and nervous system fall into two categoriesexcitatory or inhibitory. So, take a look at your current life speed and figure out if you need to slow down or speed up. Heres a hintlearning how to breathe properly is a good use of your time if you want to influence neurotransmitters.

I could go on and on about how the brain, tapes, neurotransmitters and other factors influence behavior. But heres the main point: If you really want to experience quantum leaps in your ability to get more focused, organized and productivelearn a little more about how your brain works. When you understand more about how the brain works, you can actually begin to exercise some measure of control over it, especially when you are operating under stress. Otherwise, it controls youand you wonder why you intended to do one thingbut did another thing entirely.

Chris Crouch, president and founder of DME Training and Consulting, is the developer of the GO System. The GO System is a structured training course designed to improve focus, organization and productivity in the workplace and is taught by corporate trainers and professional organizers all over the country. Chris is also author of Getting Organized: Learning How to Focus, Organize and Prioritize and other books that provide practical and easy-to-learn ideas on personal achievement, success and productivity.

Visit to learn more about the GO System, to inquire about having Chris speak to your group or organization, to sign up for Chris' free newsletter providing tips on having a more joyful and productive life, and for additional ideas on improving focus, organization and productive.

To learn about becoming a Certified GO System Trainer, visit

Article Source:,-Organization,-Productivity---Is-There-a-Unifying-Element-to-Success?&id=159009

The Success Attitude ICAN

The Success Attitude, ICAN
By Frank Gasiorowski

What does Lance Armstrong, Donald Trump, Oprah and YOU have in common?

We all have the natural inner ability to control our destiny with self talk and the ICANaffirmation technique.

Lance Armstrong says in a TV commercial that he has the experience, desire and the team to win. Lance has the ICAN mindset. When Lance Armstrong thinks about winning, Im sure that he says, ICAN and he takes the appropriate action to achieve his goal. He has proven this many times over in all of his winning endeavors.

Donald Trump says, ICAN and Stay Focused. Donald knows, ICAN.

Oprah is an example of a person who is Being all that she can be.

Oprah knows the meaning of ICAN.

That is the ICAN concept model.

What about your EXPERIENCE, DESIRE and TEAM? Think about it, you have experience in many areas. You are the expert in some areas of your life. What is it that you love doing? What is it that you are passionate about? You have a wealth of resources within you. Look at your experiences and say, ICAN.


Think about your goals again and write them down. Write them as if they have already happened and in the present tense (I am) with as much detail as you can imagine. Believe that it's possible. Just Believe that it is possible for you to achieve all of your Dreams.

What about a desire? You have desires and wishes in many areas. I call these dreams and goals. What are your dreams and goals?

Your Dreams and Goals would not have been given to you unless you could actually achieve them. That is the best part. It is your choice to turn these Dreams and Goals into reality.

Bring back those dreams and goals that are in your mind and know that with just one word you can start to make them materialize.


ICAN, say it out loud, ICAN. Yell it or scream it, ICAN, because you can have those Dreams, desires, wishes and goals. They are yours to claim. ICAN is a word that I coined that means, I Create All Narration. Yes, your self-talk is what programs your mind. You create your own self-talk. Make your inner talk one of affirmations and self development.

The affirmation, ICAN will allow your subconscious to start creating the winning mindset.

TEAM Concept

How about your team? Do you even have a team? All successful people have a winning team. Teams that propel your dreams and goals forward and are synchronized to making them happen. This synchronicity is the key to creating your abundance. A key phrase is, When two or more come together. This is the secret; get two or more people on your team. It may be a social team, a dream team or a Mastermind team but make it a team.My definition for TEAM is, Together Everyone Achieves MIRACLES.

Say, ICAN to your team, get then to say, ICAN with you and you are on your way to reaching your goals. Believe ICAN and everything is possible. You will be ALL that you can be as long as you stay focused on your goal. It is your destiny.

To summarize, ICAN is the attitude of achievement. You already have the experience and the desire to achieve more. You have the understanding of a team concept. Now all that you need is to implement the ICAN attitude in everything that you do.

Start right now and say, ICAN, because with ICAN it is possible to achieve your Dream.

Frank Gasiorowski or as his is known on the internet as Mr. 90 Day Goals, has been teaching since 1973 and his current mission is to provide easy and effective ways for individuals to achieve their true potential through, and coaching programs.

Article Source:,-ICAN&id=119754

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Arenas of Success

The Arenas of Success
By Chris Widener

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. -- Theodore Roosevelt

1. I Am - the Arena of Values
2. I Should - the Arena of Responsibility
3. I Could - the Arena of Possibility
4. I Would - the Arena of Negotiation
5. I Want To - the Arena of Vision
6. I Will - the Arena of Dedication
7. I Do - the Arena of Accomplishment

In this article we are going to be looking at the Arenas that every person, organization, or business can operate out of. They are Values, Responsibility, Possibility, Negotiation, Vision, Dedication, and Accomplishment. The degree of our success is directly related to the degree in which we excel in and balance these arenas. As you go through each segment, think practically, because these are intended to be more than intellectual ideas. They are intended to help you solidify them into your life and turn your potential into performance. Though this article is specific to business and industry, the principles here are easily translated into personal application.

I Am - The Arena of Values.

Every person, organization and business has values. They may not know what they are, or they may not be able to articulate what they are, but they have them. The values of a business are what they believe in. What do they think is important? What do they hold as dear to the organization? Customer satisfaction is a simple value that a business may hold, for example. What a company values will affect the way the business runs and the employees act and work, so it is important to know what your business values are.

Here are some questions for you to ask. I would encourage you to involve as many top-level people in this process as possible, as well as others, even down to the lowest levels of the organization. What do we think is important? What do we hope to accomplish? What do we believe in as we go about our work? Another item to deal with is Values Dissonance. That is when you state your values and find that they are not in action in the company.

This then, takes teamwork and leadership to make sure that everybody is on the same page with your corporate values. The first step in a successful organization, or for your own life for that matter, is to determine your values. I would encourage you to spend some time on this if you haven't already. And if you have, continue to make sure that everybody in the organization knows and believes in them.

Two excellent books on the subject are Leadership Jazz, and Leadership Is An Art, both by Max DuPree. Is there clear indication in your place or work that you are operating in the Arena of Values? Can you say without a doubt that I Am, or We Are? Hopefully you can, and if not, you can be, with a little work.

I Should - The Arena of Responsibility

I understand that responsibility is in some people's minds a four-letter word, but not in those who want to achieve true, lasting success that benefits not only themselves, but a great number of people around them. Those who would lead the way to accomplishment must also understand that they have responsibilities. And the man or woman of honor, integrity, and success, lives up to those responsibilities. So what are these responsibilities that we must live by? While I want to encourage you to think about them specifically for your own life and business, there are a few that I believe are for all of us.

1. To be a person and company of high integrity. Ultimately, we are only a success to the degree that we are honorable people. This means that we are honest, hard working, and forthright. I don't think it matters how much money one accumulates if the are not a person of integrity.

2. To live by the golden rule. And the golden rule isn't what one of my best friends grew up thinking it was: He who has the gold, makes the rules! No, it is that we will treat others as we want to and expect to be treated.

3. To our families. Regardless of the work we do, it is of utmost importance that our families sit atop the priority list. Sometimes I think of all the people I help and work so hard for day by day and realize that none of them will be at my side when I breathe my last breath. My wife and children will fill those spots. Therefore, they get the most from me. I owe it to them. They are important to me and it is my responsibility to be there for them, no matter what my opportunities are elsewhere.

4. To give to charity. The more you hear from me, the more you will realize that I am big on the idea of charity. I think one of the things that rounds us out as healthy, successful people is to give away money, time, and possessions, free of all strings. Simply give it away to a cause that you believe in. Make it big. Make it a sacrifice. Instead of a $10 check every now and then, put it into your budget to give away a certain amount every month. At first you will think it is impossible but it will come around. And one of the great benefits to this is that at the end of your life, you will be able to look back and see the difference you have made.

These are just a few areas, but they are the umbrellas that cover the rest of our lives. If we get these right, we are 95% there.

I Could - The Arena of Possibility

Now we cover the arena of possibility.

It seems to me that many businesses, and schools and organizations often get so caught up in the day to day that they lose their zest for life. They get the nose to the grindstone, and may even be doing important work, but they forget to dream. They forget to think of what could be. (for more on achieving your dreams, see my article Dare to Dream Again)

How is your business in the arena of possibilty? What would happen if at your next staff meeting, whether you have 30 people or it's just you and your partner, you asked the question What could we really do if we put it all together? If we really stretched ourselves as far as we could? Or how about What are the possibilities for this business to really do something great or dynamic? I think that you would probably be astounded at what you would hear.

People have great ideas, dreams, and possibilities inside of them. They just need someone to stop the treadmill and ask the question, surrounded by an atmosphere of acceptance.

Here are some areas to think about possibilities in:

The office atmosphere
Customer relations
Customer satisfaction
Increased sales
Increased profit
Community service projects

I Would - the Arena of Negotiation

After you have recognized your corporate values, understood your responsibilities and then had your staff possibilities session, there comes a time of reflection upon those possibilities. Every possibility has a cost associated with it. At this point an organization not only says we could but they also need to determine what the cost will be and whether or not the successful implementation of the possibility is worth the cost. This is the arena of negotiation. It isn't negotiation in the traditional sense of the word, such as negotiating a price with a client or vendor, but is primarily an internal negotiation. This is where you ask qualifying questions. I would if...

If this is to come about, what will the cost be? Is it worth it? If this comes about, what will the ramifications be in other areas of my business? What other adjustments would have to be made, and are they worth it? What would the reward have to be in order for me to pursue this possibility? How long will it take me to reach this possibility? In light of that, do I want to readjust the organization for that period of time? In other words, would the outcome be worth it? What trade-offs will I have to make with my time, finances, staff, customers, or family? Are these trade-offs worth it?

These are all examples of negotiation questions. You are negotiating internally, with yourself or your staff.

For example, you may find that your possibilities include substantially more profit for an extra five hours of your time per week. But your family life may be such that it wouldn't be the overall best situation for you to increase your workload five more hours a week at this point in your life. Perhaps it is still a possibility, but should be delayed for a year or two You may see the possibility of giving better customer service by adding two new employees, to bring the ratio of employees to customers down. What would the cost be? What would the reward be? Perhaps you will find out that the reward, be it financial or otherwise, is more than sufficient in your mind to spur you on to pursue the possibility. You may want to get a comprehensive view of your current customers' satisfaction.

There is any number of ways to go about obtaining that information. Giving a response card to each person that visits. Calling past customers on the phone. Visiting each client personally. What are the costs of these? Which ones are right for you and your staff at the current time? Every possibility has a cost associated with it. Take some time this week to measure the costs of your possibilities. Then, when you find those that are good for you - go for it!

I Want To - The Arena of Vision

Sometimes one of the best ways to determine what you or your company or organization should do is what you want to do! A sections back we asked what the possibilities were for your business. We decided to dream a little. Now, of those possibilities, what ones would you really like to do? The reason for this is simple: Because those ideas that stir our passions for excellence become things that we can easily see. They can become our vision. Vision is a word that is used a lot in leadership development these days, and for a good reason. In order for something to happen, someone has to first see it happening long before it actually does. Sure, there are lots of things you could do (possibilities), but what do you want to do? What can you see yourself doing? If money, and time, were no object; if you knew that you couldn't fail at your attempt; what would you want to try? Then, why not try? This can become your vision. And a vision is a powerful thing.

Vision is what drives success and accomplishment. Just think of the great accomplishments of mankind and about what vision must have been behind them. So, what do you want to do in your life? What would you like to accomplish with your business or organization? Great things come when we dream, when we gain a vision of a better tomorrow. Vision drives us to attempt things far beyond where we are right now. Here is one of my favorite quotes from old Rough and Ready, Teddy Roosevelt. I hope it encourages you to stretch for greater things.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy, nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

I Will - The Arena of Dedication

They say that the three most important things in real estate are location, location, location. That may very well be true, but I have decided, after being involved in numerous start-up ventures (both for profit and non-profit) that the three most important things in work, especially during the start-up process, are perseverance, perseverance, perseverance. I have come to believe that much of what separates the successful from the unsuccessful is simply determination. The successful are not always the brightest, the best looking, or those with the most prestigious diplomas. Instead, they are the ones who say I will do this! and Hardship will not deter me! These people have entered into and continually live in the arena of dedication. Staying there long enough usually puts them on top. Dedication is a key to success. So far, we have had you determine your corporate values, and had you dream and think of the possibilities for your life, work, and organization. What now? Hard work! Once you and your staff have determined what your possibilities are, you should also spend some time to recognize all of the hard work that will be involved in achieving your dreams. Then spend some time preparing to meet the challenges. Here are some questions to help you get through the process, prepare yourself for the job ahead, and come out on the end of success.

1. What are the obstacles we will face?

2. How will we overcome those obstacles?

3. What kinds of attitudes and dedication will we need to exhibit when the time comes to face difficulties and up-hill battles?

4. What are the rewards our dedication will bring to us as individuals and corporately?

Focusing in on these questions will help you prepare for the times when you will need to show dedication, perseverance and inner fortitude. The mental preparation now will strengthen you to succeed later.

I Do - The Arena of Accomplishment

As we close this series, it is important to remember that these phases are all constantly rotating through different areas of our lives. In some areas we will be in the values formulating arena, others the dedication arena. And of course we will at times be in the accomplishment arena. It comes when the job is complete. What is important at this stage? Well, a few things actually.

1. A little rest. Notice I said a little. It isn't time to sit back for good, but resting can be a much-needed reward for all of the hard work you have shown up until now. After the pace of pursuing your dreams, your body and mind need some well- deserved rest.

2. A little celebration. Celebrations are great for us. What is all the work for if one can't enjoy the fruit of his labor? Maybe it is a small dinner out. Maybe it is a huge celebration like a party for a hundred of your closest friends and business associates. Maybe it is an exotic vacation?

3. A sense of fulfillment. The greatest reward is, as the old saying goes, he satisfaction of a job well done. Not many people make it to the accomplishment arena very often. Enjoy the satisfaction!

4. A new high bar. One of the great things about life is the challenge of new heights. You have accomplished your task, and that's good, but...

Now, What's Next?

About The Author:

Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams.

To see Chris live at the upcoming Jim Rohn Weekend Event as he speaks on the subject of Secrets of Influence go to or call 800-929-0434.

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