Monday, September 22, 2008

The Mindset Of A Successful Team Leader

The Mindset Of A Successful Team Leader
By Joe Love

Everyone talks about leadership but most people cant define it except in the most general terms. How many times have you heard the word charismatic coupled with the word leadership, as if they were meant to go together? Lets cut through all of this and look at some facts.

Leadership is part of the political process because its done using political tools. Management means moving things around on the bottom line so it comes out right. Its possible to be a manager of disaffected people. They cant play off rank entirely, nor would they choose to, because theyre excited about what they see, and they want to share that vision. If your people dont get it, leaders blame themselves, not the people theyre trying to lead, a sharp contrast to standard management thinking.

Leadership is in shorter supply than management because its a great deal more work. It also offers a greater payoff. Leaders literally revel in the accomplishments of their people.

Here are some traits of true leaders, things for you to watch for and emulate.

* Leaders believe that each person is valuable, able, and responsible. Real leaders see leadership as a process for empowering people to see themselves in positive ways, as competent, productive, and important.

* Leaders recognize the potential in others that mere managers miss because leaders are looking for it. They come into leadership roles knowing that empowerment is part of the political process.

* Leaders view themselves favorably as valuable, contributing team members, not managers. They see a field of political equals, not subordinates to be dealt with.

* Leaders know the Golden Rule of good business. They treat people as they expect to be treated. Leaders model the respect they expect in all personal and professional interactions with others.

* Leaders realized that each person has untapped skills that can be harnessed to achieve organizational goals, and at a profit. A leader must have the courage to look for hidden abilities, including those that other managers have written off. Leaders do this by observing, monitoring, and most important, listening.

* Leaders empower people across the board. This means they dont play favorites. Theyre fair and even-handed regardless of their personal feelings.

* Leaders expect to be role models, and they deliberately model the behaviors they want others to adopt. What do others see? Do they see you behaving in ways you want them to copy?

* Leaders are realistic in awarding praise. When giving praise be specific, timely, and accurate.

* Leaders work to develop trusting and professional relationships with everyone. The better you know people, the better you are at reading situations and predicting reactions.

* Leaders are organized, competent, and prepared, even when these are not their native characteristics.

* Leaders build cohesive teams. They do not merely manage people.

Now, lets examine the art of a political team and harnessing the power of teamwork. What is this thing called teamwork? Everyone talks about it, almost in lockstep with leadership, but most people have no idea what it means.

Teamwork means how you think, not what you do. The political mindset is, What can I do that will make you want to do it my way? The team mindset is, More than 75% of the time, 75% of the people will put the companys interests first. Simple isnt it? However, studies show that only one in ten employees have a team mindset. But you can, and it will distinguish you positively from your competitors. If youre seen as both a leader and a team player, youll be in the strongest possible competitive position.

What is teamwork? Teamwork means that more than 75% of the time more than 75% of the employees put the interests of the team first, even when doing so requires more effort, time, or money, or all three.

For example, if someone, who had not been asked, offered to assist a co-worker who was having trouble with a job or a task, and the helper didnt think of getting credit or thanks, this would be a strong example of teamwork. This would extend to customers, clients and fellow employees who arent strictly speaking, your team members.

The strongest member of a team is the one who shores up and willingly compensates for the deficiencies of weaker members and doesnt call attention to the fact he or she is doing it. And has the mindset, I dont care who dropped the ball. If I can stretch to reach it, Ill pick it up and get it back in play.

Team members must talk in terms of we not I. If you think this is too basic, consider that belonging to the group is the workplace prize for some people. Maybe you dont share that view, but how does that invalidate what others believe? Belonging is a basic, human need. When employees complain of office cliques, theyre really saying they feel excluded. Management cannot effectively build teams when cliques have power.

Shine the spotlight on each member of the team, regardless of the level of his or her ability. There are always stars, but if only they get the spotlight, the others will relax and sit on their hands. Can you get the job done with only the stars? Certainly not! Smart team builders share all the credit and absorb all the blame.

Canvass the team regularly for individual opinions and respond instantly to complaints your hear on the grapevine. Team-builders never suppress dissent. They go one-on-one with whomever is dissatisfied and meet his or her needs. Why? Because the leaders attention to their needs is what keeps workers loyal to the team. They know theyre not just one person in a faceless and interchangeable crowd. They belong.

Team leaders always give support and unrequested assistance in ways which dont cause others to loose face. When you pick up the ball, be sure the colleague youre helping doesnt feel diminished. Always make sure youre coaching and not correcting.

Team building isnt a guru-driven, mystical process. Its a political process of brokering and getting the buy-in from others. People dont necessarily want to be team players, nor do they instinctively recognize the advantages. A good team builder is worth ten good managers when he or she shows fellow employees why participation is in their best interest by revealing the benefits and giving examples.

Team building is an art. Its learned from role models, trial-and-error and occasional failures. The key element is mindset. The builders mindset is, Is this good for the team? Then Ill do it. If its bad for the team? Forget it! Credit keeps flowing to team players, instead of surrounding and isolating the team leader, who shouldnt, if he or she has the right mindset, want that to happen or let it happen.

Copyright 2005 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many of Americas largest corporations, on the subjects of leadership, self-esteem, goals, achievement, and success psychology.

Reach Joe at:

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K.O.R.E. Elements of Success

K.O.R.E. Elements of Success
By Chris Widener

I want to focus our thoughts on each of these four elements of success. While these were originally written for a business audience, the principles can be easily translated to cover yourself or any group or organization you belong to.


Before one begins down the road of success, they need knowledge. Today, even jobs that once required little working knowledge or intelligence now see the need for training as those jobs become more dependant on technology. We will cover the importance of knowledge and ways to get more for yourself and the others in your business or organization.


One element that you see over and over again in our country is that we are indeed the land of opportunity. It is great to be able to live in a country where people can pursue their dreams, and where it is possible to reach them. But some people have a hard time seeing opportunity. We will focus on ways to find and take advantage of opportunities.


Once a person sees opportunity, it is up to them to step through the open door and go for it. Yet many stop at the edge, unwilling to take a risk. Many times, often actually, taking advantage of opportunities requires risk. We will cover the importance of taking risks and to understand the difference between taking risks and being isky.


Businesses, organizations, and people who succeed are the ones who operate from a base of excellence. Think of Nordstrom's as a perfect example. We'll cover the importance of excellence and ways to raise your excellence quotient.


The starting point in the elements of success is Knowledge. This is becoming increasingly so as we continue deeper into the information and technology age. There simply is no turning back now. Even jobs that used to take very little knowledge require some because of automation etc. So here are some thoughts on ways to increase your knowledge and become more successful.

Become a self-learner. I have met very few successful people who were not also self-learners. They love learning. Are you a reader? Reading is one of the most enjoyable ways to learn more. Or you can join what Zig Ziglar calls Automobile University. All you do is go to the local library and check out some tapes on a topic of your choice and start going to school on your way to work. As you grow personally you will begin to rise above others who simply are not in the process of learning.

Job-specific training. I think everybody, regardless of his or her level in the organization, should be continually trained in their job. Someone once said that it is more expensive to not train employees and let them stay on the job than to train them. How true. What kind of ongoing job-training are you taking. If you aren't the boss, then go to your boss and ask him what kind of training he or she would like you to have and then tell them that you would be glad to go get it. If you are the boss, then what kind of training should you give to each of your employees? Maybe it is time to revisit the budget for employee training. Chances are, your competitor is.

Advanced education. Many of the local schools, both undergraduate and graduate, are increasingly tailoring programs for those who are working full-time jobs. Maybe it is time to go back to school. They have programs that are one night a week or one week every four to six months. They even have programs where you go to the campus for six weeks a year. Maybe one of these is appropriate for you right now.

Is this possible or even reasonable? It sure is. I know many people who are actively involved in all three of the above.Increasing you knowledge will not only help you perform better on the job, it will help you become a better person.


In the summer of 1996 I was able to tour a country that is not democratic. While I loved the people and the cultures, I was struck again by a deep appreciation for the fact that we are free here in the U.S. We are indeed the Land of Opportunity. And that is the second element of success. Not so much having opportunity, as that is rather inherent to our American system, but that we see opportunity, and then take advantage of opportunity.

The successful people who I have met and worked with are people who have an eye for opportunity. Is that something they are born with? Absolutely not!

If anything, being able to see opportunity is an attitude. Yes, wisdom is an important part, but if you believe there is nothing good under the sun, that there is no opportunity, then you won't achieve much.

Instead, it is an attitude that does not see any circumstance as a problem, but sees it as, you guessed it, an opportunity. A great achiever said, There is never a money problem, only an idea problem. He saw opportunity, not a lack of funds, and he simply needed to find the way to take advantage of the opportunity!

So where do you begin? Right where you are. Take inventory of who you are, as an individual, a business, or an organization. Then ask the following questions. When you get the answers, it is simply a matter of follow through. That comes next when we talk about risk.

What opportunities do we have to get better? This is the growth question. When you look for how you can grow, and then pursue it, you're on your way!

What strengths do you have? What skills, talents, or personalities are your strong points? How can those be seen as an opportunity to grow? When you operate out of your strengths, you have a much better chance of seizing opportunity and being successful.

What does your market need? This is a perfect question to ask. If you can answer this, you will have enough opportunity to last for the rest of your life! Can you, with your strengths, meet any of the needs of the population you are trying to reach or serve? Their needs are your opportunities!

What is currently working? This is the ide the wave point. Take advantage of momentum. Don't settle for the good that you are experiencing. Ask if you can stretch further. Don't look at what ought to be successful, but go further with what is successful!


A naval aviator told me that many pilots have died because they stayed with disabled aircraft. They preferred the familiarity of the cockpit to the unfamiliarity of the parachute, even though the cockpit was a deathtrap. Many people have seen their careers crash because they preferred the familiar but deadly old ways to the risky but rewarding new ways. So says Nido Qubein in Stairway to Success.

It is true that many people who have knowledge and the opportunity to see success, never do, simply because they are unwilling to take risks. As young people we are usually long on risk-taking but short on knowledge and opportunity. This is probably why you don't see many successful teens driving their own BMW's.

But by the time we are able to do something with our knowledge and opportunity, most of us are in relatively comfortable situations and decide that to pursue our dreams would be to simply risk too much. So we put off what lies in our hearts.Yet most successful people achieve what they do because somewhere along the line they stepped out in faith and took a risk. Yes, many fail at this point, but at least they attempted greatness. And while many fail, many succeed tremendously and receive the reward, often helping many others as well.

Here are some thoughts to help you take risks and see great achievement in your life.

Count the cost of not risking. Most of us think of what we might lose if we risk, but what will we lose if we don't risk?Realistically understand the worst case scenario. It usually isn't nearly as bad as we might assume, making it all the more worthwhile to risk. Most risks don't end up at the worst.

Calculate your risk. Since the risk isn't as much as we usually think it is, it helps to lie out the strategy beforehand. Then you know what you're up against and have a plan of action.Prepare fully. What most often keeps us from risk is fear. One of the best ways to fight fear is to be fully prepared. This helps our minds to be rooted in fact rather than swayed by emotion. Follow your dreams. They did a study and asked elderly people what their biggest regrets were. One of the top ones? That they didn't take more risks to follow their dreams. Go for it now!

Richard Bach says this in A Gift of Wings: Remember the high board at the swimming pool? After days of looking up at it, you finally climbed the wet steps to the platform. From there it was higher than ever. There were only two ways down: the steps to defeat or the dive to victory. You stood on the edge, shivering in the hot sun, deathly afraid. At last you leaned too far forward, it was too late for retreat, and you dived. The high board was conquered, and you spent the rest of the day diving. Climbing a thousand high boards, we demolish fear, and turn into human beings.


Most people, if they have the drive and know where to look, can get knowledge. Everyone can take advantage of opportunity. A select few, relatively speaking, will take the risk needed to launch out to succeed. But what really sets the successful apart from the unsuccessful, or even just the average, is excellence.

In his book Raving Fans, Ken Blanchard says that many businesses have a false sense of security, thinking that they are successful, when in reality their customers don't view them as excellent, but rather as merely o worse than the rest.

I would agree. Many of us settle for average, while a few choose excellence, in all areas, and go on to succeed far more that the rest of the crowd.

So what are some ideas to have excellence be you shining mark? Here are a few:

First, cultivate an attitude of excellence. Excellence must be your stated goal. Everyone in your business, school, or organization should know that excellence is the benchmark. You should desire it.

Second, define excellence. What does excellence look like for you or your group? This then, is the goal.

Here are some areas to begin looking at:

My personal life. Do I strive for excellence in my personal life? Do I know what areas I can improve upon, and do I try to achieve excellence in those areas? What about these specific areas: Financial, spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual?

Customer service. Excellence is defined here not in how we think we are doing, but in how the customer thinks we are doing. Have you asked lately how you are doing in this area? Ask for suggestions on how to excel. Then you can work on achieving it.

Employee satisfaction. You will more likely achieve excellence if you have deeply satisfied employees.How can you make it an excellent place to work?

Product. Is your product excellent? Is your whole line? Perhaps you may want to sell fewer, but much better, items. It's great to be associated with excellent products.

Atmosphere. What does your home, store or office look, sound, and smell like? Is it a help or hindrance?

I encourage you to think about these things, and even brainstorm with your family or staff. The results could be excellence!

About The Author:

Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams.

To see Chris live at the upcoming Jim Rohn Weekend Event as he speaks on the subject of Secrets of Influence go to or call 800-929-0434.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Why Showmanship Is Essential to Success

Why Showmanship Is Essential to Success
By Chris Lloyd

Being successful as a magician relies just as much on yourstage persona and your ability to be engaging as it does onthe tricks you choose to perform or the technical skillsyou possess.

The reason for this is because tricks in and of themselvescan fall flat if not presented in the right way. A sleightof hand that dazzles when performed by an engaging magiciancan leave an audience yawning when in the less capablehands of an under-whelming performer.

So if you want your tricks to go over well, you've got tolearn how to sell them to your audience.

That means you've got to work on your showmanship just asmuch as you have to work on the tricks themselves. Learnhow to get the audience eating out of the palm of your hand!

If you are not sure how to do this, don't worry.Showmanship is something you can easily learn and improveupon with practice. It's not necessary an inborn trait thatyou either have or don't have-it's a learned skill thateven the best magicians are constantly honing andperfecting.

Here's how to make good showmanship part of your magicroutine:

Build a Bridge to the Audience

Whether you are onstage in front of ten people or tenthousand, your success is directly related to how much youraudience feels inclined to trust you and suspend theirdisbelief for you.

To win them over, talk directly to them. Make eye contact.Make use of volunteers. Don't confine your show to thestage. Invite audience members up, or go down to minglewith them.

Don't Wait to Warm Up-Be On Right from the Start!

Don't wait to warm up-you've got to be on right fromthe start! Most magic shows last only about an hour orless, so make it a point to create your relationship withthe audience quickly.

Cultivate a Stage Persona

Ideally, magic tricks should bring about a sense of wonderand excitement, not a sense of being tricked or fooled. Andyou as a magician should therefore aim to be mystical andwise, not hokey.

Of course, there are many ways to be entertaining. Some ofthe most successful magicians in the biz are very seriousin terms of their demeanor. Others, however, are jocularand love to crack jokes during their shows.

Your stage persona is really up to you. If you'renaturally inclined toward being chatty and making jokes, gofor it on stage.

If you're naturally more reserved and quiet, you can thinkabout adopting a more David Blaine-like character whenyou're performing.

The trick (pun intended!) is just to make sure youapproach it as a role or a performance. Give the audiencethe dazzling entertainment they want and you will always bea hit.

Just Believe

Believe in what you are doing and suspend your disbeliefas much as you can. The illusions work best when you trulytrust in your abilities and honestly belief that you arecreating miracles! In reality you know that they are

tricks, but if you act like they're just fakes or fraudsthen you'll never win over your viewers. Put it this way:if you don't believe in yourself, why on earth should youraudience?

Chris Lloyd is the author of 'Discover The Magic Trick Secrets You're Not Supposed To Know'. For more details please visit

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ToDo List For Success Time Management: Theory And Practice

To-Do List For Success -- Time Management: Theory And Practice
By Yola Eve

Time Management is getting more and more popular day by day. People want to be more successful, proactive and wealthy. It is not new to everyone that there are common time wasters in our lives. Watching TV all evening long, spending too much time on the Internet, having a very long conversation over the phone, and, my favorite one, doing trifles instead of going bed and loosing your precious sleep these are common time wasters that you already know of. If you eliminate all these things, you will start to practice Time Management. But for me, it is rather time managing. I would like to put more sense into the words Time Management. For me Time Management equals LIFE Management. Why try to save minutes if we are loosing years? Am I born to save minutes to schedule more deeds into my already full 24-hour day? And yet loose a whole year on doing something that is not going to help me achieve success in my life.

Find out more about your inner talents, discover your resources, apply yourself in work you love and believe in what you do that is how you become successful. In our days, we are encouraged to make our best choices to create opportunities for ourselves: get the education and work on the experience we need to move forward.

After you have set up your Major LIFE Goals, envisioned precisely what you need for yourself (car, apartment, house, business, motorbike and water scooter), now, it is time to create conditions and opportunities for yourself to reach all of that.

I am not an expert on your life. YOU ARE! And I dont know how you should be managing and achieving your personal, most desired goals. BUT YOU DO! I only would like to share with you what has helped me on my way to success.

First of all, define what is success for you? Everybody has a personal definition and vision of success. The only amendment I would make here is that Your Life Success is embraced in your Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit (also add your captivating Sub-consciousness).

When you plan your Live Success, you ought to include:

Taking a good care of your Body. A good appearance is a reflection of your internal success, and the first step for you to attract other people.

Feed your Mind with new information and positive mood. Let your thoughts grow and develop. That is how you will be able to find ways to create more opportunities of your talent implementation, open new prospects to your personal success. Let your Mind be like Water. Dont overload it, otherwise, the Water might boil. Work decent hours a day.

Embrace your Soul. Listen to your inner desires, dont ignore your inner voice. Communicate with the most intelligent person You. Speak to other people, share your ideas and tools that you use to achieve your personal success. That is how you will be able to create your team and organize everybody around you as well as yourself.

Listen to your Spirit. Develop a close relationship with your inner intuition. Increase Confidence in yourself. Overcome any procrastination and let yourself move forward in search of new ideas and revelation of your inner resources. Say STOP to any unbelieving in your potentials. Support and comfort yourself in your every effort to change things in your life. Embrace everything worthy and beautiful that life has to offer. Love yourself.

Organize yourself; implement new habits into your daily routine. (Take a close look how millionaires do it.) Develop million dollar habits in yourself.

Start planning your every single day. Use the most powerful and easy technique a To-Do List.

Set up your long-term goals, and then think how they can be divided into short-term goals. Remember, all major things in this life can be divided into small ones and fulfilled one after another. For example, music consists of 7 separate notes; all the greatest masterpieces consist of 6 basic colors; even a car consists of separate parts. Consider your goals, break them into smaller ones, and then create a To-Do List of what you can do on everyday basis, step by step, in order to achieve your major goal.

Implement relaxation into your daily schedule. I am sure you are already working hard to achieve what you want. The Road itself will show you the Best Route. If you are fixed on your goal and focused only on it, you miss the journey of getting there. That is why the best solution is to move to your goals while you are still having relaxation and rest. Pay a close attention to where you are, at what stage, be calm and gain interest in the process of life. That is how you will be able to see new chances on your road to successful achieving of your goals in less time with minimum efforts.

Set up a scheduled To-Do List of what you can do to relax every day. Add variety to it, it will give you more inspiration in what you do. It can be a short pleasure, and it will give you a lot of new energy to do more and move forward.

Find the best ways for yourself to make your To-Do List mostly productive for you. Use all possible electronic tools and devices to maintain, monitor and constantly support your Goal progress. Set up your clock, watch, organizer, iPod, Palm, cell phone, computer, laptop everything to work on achieving your Goals. These are your silent devoted partners that will do most of organizing and keeping track job for you.

Explore the market, and deposit your money and time in creation of your Success.
Dont be shy of your truly desired dreams.
Fulfill and implement them into your life.
Make yourself happy, inspired, and complete. That is when you will be able to make others happy too.

Yola Eve
Business Trainer
VIP Quality Software LTD

P.S. This article is inspired with Time and Goal Management implementation and practice with the help of my electronic friend VIP Organizer.

If you have questions, let me know. I will be happy to assist you on your way to Success.

A successful Business Trainer, experienced Business Coach, qualified Psychotherapist. Member of European Psychotherapy Association.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

1 and Only Tip You Need to Set Yourself Up for Success

1 and Only Tip You Need to Set Yourself Up for Success
By Erik Vossman

You could spend days reading all the Anthony Robbins self improvement books, listening to all his CDs and watching all his tapes. You could sift through Amazon reading the reviews of Dr. Phil and the like. This would no doubt motivate you to become better at whatever it is you are hoping to accomplish. You would then find more information and learn how to do whatever it is you want to do. This route is good but too often it shifts focus away from your goal to the point where you don't have the drive to complete it. Sure you are motivated but you might just forget what you're motivated for.

This is why you really only need one tip to start you on the path to success:

1. Become Accountable

That seems like a pretty simple task on a really simplified list. However, as you think about what becoming accountable means you begin to realize just how difficult it can be.

Becoming accountable for your goals and actions means that other people need to know what your doing and what you plan on doing. This means you can't sit back being a gonna doer only telling yourself and a few close friends, I'm going to be rich some day, or This year I'm going to get that promotion. No, instead of telling you significant other, your dog, or maybe, just maybe your best friend, you have to tell everyone especially those you admire most.

By telling all the people around you what your plans are, what your goals are, you are creating a fan base of sorts. When you have fans you have people to encourage you. Most of all when you have fans you have people following your progress that you don't want to disappoint. Not letting someone down can be one of the biggest motivators a human being needs to strive for success.

Looking at your favorite sports team you can see an example of this first hand. Most athletes have a crowd, be it their mothers at the local pee wee baseball game to fanatics that follow pro teams all over the world, these athletes have people who want them to succeed. Sure some get payed outrageous salaries to do what they do, but all that stems from having a fan base that wants them to succeed.

You need to get the word out. Here are several tips that can help you do just that without taking your energies away from accomplishing your goal and achieving the level of success you deserve for yourself.

1. Start a blog and tell the world
2. Bring it up in the next bar room conversation
3. Put it in your Holiday Cards
4. Put it in your email closing
5. Join a club and share your goals with its members

Just trying these five suggestions has the potential to explode your fan base. Getting fans you won't want to disappoint will force you into a situation to succeed, you'll have no choice but to succeed.

By Erik Vossman
Can You Become Good at Everything

Erik Vossman over at is working towards becoming good at everything he tries and shares great tips for success in whatever you are trying to do. Join him on his quest and learn how to be successful.

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Zen Goal Setting and Life Success

Zen Goal Setting and Life Success
By Nathan F. Shaw

Spending time in Thailand which is 97% Bhudhist and getting used to walking at a slower pace due to the heat, I am reflecting on the ideas of goal setting.

When you are feeling pressured, stop that feeling of wanting to rip yours or someone elses hair out with these 5 tips for peaceful goal setting and life success.

These tips help with laid back peaceful yet efficient and mature goal setting.

1. Become mindful of your emotional experiences of frustration and overwhelm and pause to recognize, acknowledge, and accept that at present it is a part of you, and that it is ok.

It is not wimpish to acknowledge our pains. It is in fact a much more mature way to live. If something is troubling you. It can be emotionally released by pausing and acknowledging that it exists at this time. Breathe into it, and when you feel ready, carry on with your day.

Might you be able to apply this to any hurdles to goal setting and life success right now, or will you do it when something comes up later?

2. See if you can mentally identify the top one or two major things that are causing you 80% of the current negative feelings that may be hindering your goal setting and life success.

If you cant think of them, then spend some time alone writing down whatever problems you can think of until you hit on the ahas of greater concern.

Do you know what are the biggest emotional dramas revolving around your life at present?

3. Write down all of the little and medium and large responsibilities, tasks, projects, time-stealers, etc that you possibly can think of that are relevant to your goal setting and life success for your life in the short term.

By capturing it all on paper you might be surprised at just how much more satisfied and under control you feel. Even if there is an absolute ton of items to note down, it is much less taxing on the brain to be able to see it clearly rather than constantly be wondering if you have missed or forgotten anything.

How complete is your life of things to do. Does it scrape you through the day with minimal abrasions, or is it a rock solid comprehensive status of your affairs?

4. Reward yourself in some way for your efforts and small successs in goal setting and life success.

I used to have a problem with doing this as I felt it was an indulgence given that there really REALLY was so so SO much to be getting on with.

However I have learned that the mind actually needs to be tricked into efficient performance and stamina, and giving yourself rewards actually programs your deeper mind to stay on top of things more.

You might dedicate 30 minutes to a relaxing bath. Or a few pages of that novel that has been collecting dust on your bed side table until now. Self-rewards can sometimes seem childish, but it is the deeper part of our mind that functions in that way, so accept and utilize it for your benefit.

5. Prioritize goal setting and life success in a way that accepts the facts of finite time.

That is, you have 24 hours in a day. Better it is to do a good job on one major project dedicating 2 hours to it, than to attempt work on multiple projects which dilutes your effectiveness for any one.

Stay mindful that good learning, good writing, good work of any kind, requires a certain amount of time. Where do you need to invest a good quality block of time on one of your projects over the next day or two?

Currently exploring and enjoying the culture of Thailand, Nathan Shaw has a 12 page Goal Setting and Life Success Report available FREE.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Setting Achievable Goals For Success

Setting Achievable Goals For Success
By Ryan McKenzie

In order to achieve something, the first thing you should develop is a goal. Without a short term and a long term goal, the likeliness of you following through with something you want is highly unlikely. Trying to achieve something without setting a goal is like walking blindly through the dessert in search of treasure, but without having a map or any idea what you are really looking for.

The first step is to plan out a short term goal and a long term goal. For example, your short term goal may be to finish 3 classes this semester with a B average. This is a great short term goal as it is something you can achieve within a reasonable time frame without setting your expectations too high. While you should strive for success, you should start your goals at a point you know you can achieve and gradually build up to bigger and more difficult short term goals. The great benefit to short term goals is they give you a feeling of achieving something with each successful goal. This will motivate and drive you to put more effort into achieving your long term goal. Once you've completed your first short term goal you should set a new short term goal that will ultimately continue you on your path to your long term goal.

Second of all, we need to set a long term goal. You can set numerous long term goals to be set over long time frames, but for the sake of this article, we will focus on having one long term goal. To continue with our short term goal I will base this example on an education based goal. A good long term goal would be to graduate from University with a Bachelors in Computer Science with a 3.33 GPA. This is also a reasonable long term goal as it is something that will be achievable after successful completing numerous short term goals.

In the end, without goals, the chances of succeeding at anything, including life are quite slim. Goals aid in deriving a reason to succeed; they give you something to strive for; the reason to keep on pushing. Goals give you a reason to want to continue on, because you know the things you have worked so hard to achieve are just around the corner. Whether it is an education you strive for, saving money to buy that first apartment, or even something as simple as losing that baby fat, you are only a short term goal away.

About The Author

Ryan Mckenzie

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

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