Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Your Personal Success Team

Your Personal Success Team
By Joe Love

To achieve success in anything and to accumulate wealth, you must have the advantage of the experience, education, ability, and imagination of other minds. You need to have a good personal success team. You cannot do it alone.

We tend to overestimate high achieving people. Despite their reputations, people such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Donald Trump did not get to the top alone. They had a good personal success team.

Every person is a business. We are the owner of our own personal services corporation. For any business to succeed and prosper it must have a good team of employees. The same is true for you. You need to have what Napoleon Hill called a Master Mind Alliance.

A Master Mind Alliance happens when you connect and bring together a force of like-minded people with differing points of view and skills. They then combine to give you an incredible power and boost to propel you towards your objective.

In your own Master Mind Alliance some roles might by be played by several people, and some may play several roles. The more roles you fill, the greater your chances will be in achieving success.

The first member of your personal success team that needs to be filled is esteem builder. This is someone who helps you develop and maintain a strong self-image. Success is largely determined by what you think of yourself. You must believe that you can succeed and have the right to succeed.

For you to move ahead in life you must have this belief. To build your self-esteem, you need to surround yourself with people who believe that you can succeed and that you have a right to succeed.

Every person needs to have a cheerleader who encourages success and nurtures him or her in times of trouble. For example, some people have a network of friends who help them feel better about setbacks and see them through personal crises. These supporters serve as cheerleaders.

If you arent getting enough cheerleading from those close to you, perhaps they arent aware of your needs. Friends and family often withhold cheerleading not because they are uncaring, but because they have the impression you dont need it. Its important for your happiness, success, and health that you make you needs known to those around you.

A celebrator is another important person you should have on your personal success team. This is a person who provides an immediate reward for your accomplishments to make the effort seem more worthwhile. Victories and successes often seem hollow when theres no one to celebrate them with.

You need to have an advisor who supplies useful information. In the Industrial Age, parents and grandparents could tell us must of what we needed to know, but in todays turbulent and complex world we must continually add new advisors who can help us understand how the Information Age works.

For most people a single advisor is not enough. You need a board of advisors to help you understand the world and your place in it; interpret other peoples actions; give career advice; provide insights about organizational politics; offer progress reports on your life; and guide you in choosing other advisors.

You need to have a constructive critic who pokes holes in your ideas and plans, to encourage you to come up with better strategies. Your critic may even play the devils advocate, someone who takes a view that is the opposite of yours will often help to stir your creativity.

If you appear to be offended when youre offered constructive criticism, people probably will stop offering it, but by stifling criticism, you loose the creativity of those around you. Constructive criticism is a big part of success in life. Its important that you let the people who support you know that you want and need their criticism.

Every successful person has a sponsor who helps them get promotions, recommends them for jobs, and personally intercedes to help when a problem arises. Your sponsor could be a boss or a supervisor, but sponsors can also include professors, executive placement professionals, and other business contacts. In your own organization you should look for sponsors who are movers and shakers, whose success shows that they have already mastered the rules of the game.

You must have a least one good contact who is a conduit to better jobs, key information and power. Most contacts are not friends or even social acquaintances, but theyre the lifeblood of any career. A good place to begin building a contact network is your customer base, people youve served successfully.

Competition is fierce in the world today and you have to stand out, therefore you need a public relations specialist to give needed visibility both on and off the job. Much of your success in life will depend on your ability to convince others that you are accomplished and talented and much of what others say about you will determine what people think of you.

For example, if you make a major mistake, the way people in your organization interpret it will be based on their overall impression of you. The public relations specialist in your supporting cast can help tip the balance of opinion in your favor.

Success requires hard work, education, and persistence. You cannot get bogged down in day-to-day activities that take your time and concentration away from achieving your goals, which is why good technical supporters are essential. Technical supporters include housekeepers, mechanics, child care givers, and personal service companies that pay bills, shop and prepare meals.

Financial literacy and ability are perhaps the most crucial elements to your success. You need a financial advisor, someone who can lend you money, invests in your career, and advises you on how to spend and manage your money. Financial advisors are most often a banker, accountant, lawyer, or an investment counselor, but they can also be a family member.

Next to a financial advisor a role model or mentor is the most important part of your supporting cast. A role model or a mentor is someone who you want to imitate, whose methods for achieving success you want to copy. Your role models give you direction and advice about behavior, values and action that work. Role models can be admired public figures, business leaders, teachers, or relatives.

Finally, you need a catalyst who provides the spark to help you turn your goals into a reality. Catalysts are people who are enthusiastic about their work, and thereby energize you. Not everyone needs a catalyst, but not everyone is lucky enough to find one. Whether you need a catalyst or not, if you find one their help is invaluable.

No one can achieve success on his or her own you need the help of others. When you form a Master Mind Alliance and have a good personal success team you are bringing together the experience, education, ability, and experience of other people who can help you achieve your goals. When you do this you are creating an unstoppable force that will propel you to achieve unlimited success.

Copyright2006 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many businesses around the world, on the subjects of leadership, achievement, goals, strategic business planning, and marketing. Joe is the author of three books, Starting Your Own Business, Finding Your Purpose In Life, and The Guerrilla Marketing Workbook.

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