Monday, October 13, 2008

True Success In Wood And Water

True Success In Wood And Water
By Robert Warren

Let's get right to the point, folks.

We're all looking to succeed, in our own individual ways, and we're all looking for nuggets of wisdom to lead our course. We wake up every morning in search of meaningful thoughts that will carry the day. Sometimes optimistic little catch-phrases work; other times, a new insight into market dynamics or a book on client relations sparks that day's adventure.

And it is an adventure. That's why we're out there fighting every day - because, in the end, we've rejected the idea that modern life is an eighty-year exercise in waiting for the inevitable. We want to walk beaches, climb mountains, love deeply, life our lives fully. We live for the joy of never knowing what strange lands our journeys will take us to that day, what people we will meet or who we will become as a result.

We're in this game for passion. We're doing it for love.

And in the pursuit of success, sometimes it's very, very easy to forget that. We all have bad days, setbacks, even the occasional disaster - a lost opportunity, a lost client, a computer crash - and question just how on earth we're going to keep doing this. If we're not careful, we then start naturally falling back into the pattern of wanting every day to be a good day, a safe day, a predictable day. We close ourselves from life and slowly forget everything about why we started this in the first place.

As you're out there in the world, folks, remember to be patient. Learn to take a deep breath occasionally. Enjoy simple experience as often as you can, and accept the passing days with the gratitude of one alive. Keep the faith.

There's an ancient Buddhist proverb that goes, Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; after enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. It's a good saying, not only for seeking an enlightened mind, but for seeking success in any fashion; it means to keep doing the work, no matter what. Be patient. Keep going. Don't be distracted by your own success - let it instead flow through your efforts naturally, without trying to cup it in your hands. Take the days as they come, and feel the joy of each day passing, whether good or bad.

Experience the passionate life of one who chops wood, carries water, and is content. True success, in all its forms, will follow.

About The Author

Robert Warren ( is a Florida-based freelance copywriter specializing in the unique marketing needs of independent professionals.

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