Monday, November 3, 2008

3 'AHa' Success Principles That Have Reshaped My Business

3 'A-Ha' Success Principles That Have Reshaped My Business
By Alexandria K. Brown

Over the past two years I've immersed myself in learning. Because my business is marketing, I have mostly attended and spoken at marketing seminars. But I also make time to attend seminars and listen to audio programs on personal development as well.


You should actually work harder on yourself than you do on your job. I first learned that from Jim Rohn, whom some call the father of personal development. Some call him America's foremost business philosopher, but I just call him brilliant. (Jim was one of Tony Robbins' first mentors, too.)

There are three success principles I learned over the past year that I wanted to share with you. I call them my a-has because they put my attention on areas I'd never thought of. And following these guidelines has helped me skyrocket my income.


1. You are the average of the five PEOPLE you hang around the most.

When I first heard this quote from Jim Rohn, it struck a big nerve in me. Robert Allen says something similar, that your income is the average of the five people you hang around the most. (Yikes!) I realized I needed to surround myself with people whom I wanted to be like. I still love my old friends, but I needed to be around people who take risks, think big, and talk about great ideas instead of the latest celebrity gossip or how much they hate their jobs.

What first opened up my circle of influence was attending seminars. I continually go to seminars on marketing, business, and personal development. There are so many great seminars going on every month all around the country, at all price points. You have no excuse not to get out there and meet people who are playing big!


2. Your HABITS create your future.

Brian Tracy talks a lot about this. Your daily habits create your long-term results. Your habits today will determine your outcomes tomorrow. If you want to be a millionaire, you've got to have millionaire habits. If you want to be a great leader, you must have the habits of a great leader. If you want to get in shape, you've got to have the habits of a fit person.

What new habit can YOU put into place right away? I wanted to put into place a millionaire habit. Because I detest budgets (and enjoy spending), I needed an easy way to save money. So now I have 10% of my income automatically go into a savings account that I cannot touch.


3. Make sure your ENVIRONMENT supports you in playing big.

I recently had the chance to hear a dynamic woman named Artemis Limpert speak at an event in Dallas. There she pointed out that when you have a pet fish that's sick, you treat the water, not the fish. Your success depends more on your environment than you know, but it's extremely important that you give yourself an environment that supports you at the level you want to BE at. (Note that she did NOT say the level you are at now!)

My add-on to that is pay attention to these three areas of your environment:

First, your physical environment. Do you love your office? Are you surrounded by attractive things? Do you have a nice view or at least a beautiful piece of art to look at? I pay a pretty penny for my waterfront pad, but I can't tell you how inspiring it is every day to look out at the peaceful water, sailboats, blue sky, and palm trees. You don't have to spend a lot of money on your environment. Little touches like candles, flowers, music you love, and photos of friends and family can go a long way. (Even if your office is the kitchen table!)

Second, your emotional environment. Are you getting the support you need from your family and friends? It's up to YOU to ask for what you need. If they cannot provide it, find a support group, a mastermind group, or a coach. I recently joined a mastermind with 4 other entrepreneurial friends, and I'm finding it wonderful to have an instant advisory board for support. I can bounce ideas off them, ask for help with problem solving, share my victories, and sometimes just vent!

Don't forget your intellectual environment as well. Jim Rohn says, Are you feeding your brain protein every day, or are you just giving it candy? Most Americans sustain their brains solely on candy - that is, useless television shows, news, and gossip. Are you stimulating yourself with big ideas and new learning? Again, check out a seminar, take a teleclass, or buy some books or audio programs. (I love listening to programs on CD, so I can learn while driving around in my car.)


** Do YOU have a favorite success principle? Please share it! **

I'd love to know if you have a success principle that's changed your business or your life for the better. Please send it to me at with the subject line my principle.

Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown, The E-zine Queen, publishes the award-winning 'Straight Shooter Marketing' weekly ezine with 20,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now at

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