Wednesday, November 19, 2008

To Be Fulfilled and Successful in Life Be Happy First

To Be Fulfilled and Successful in Life, Be Happy First
By Keith Renninson

Recently, I decided to devote one month implementing the fundamentals of happiness to see if my life couldnt be more robust, fulfilling and successful.

I went about reviewing many books on philosophy, culture and happiness, which I had read and kept in my library, perusing my original notes, along with personally highlighted sections of the books. Then, I made every effort to live the lifestyle I mapped out for myself each day for the next thirty days. The problem is it worked too well.

Dont get me wrong, Im more than pleased with the outcomeI am happier than ever before, the personal and business goals, which I have set for myself, are coming to fruition; I can feel a new, exciting freedom emerging as self-imposed burdens are lifted from my shoulders more and more each day.

Where the problem lies is, I now see the true power I can generate with happiness, and sadly, how many people around me dont want to be that happy. I know that sounds like a strange statement, but its true.

Many people revel in being down, complaining about this or that and wallowing in the muck with friends who extort the same plights in their lives. They ossify the problem, and it lives with them the rest of their lives.

See where my issue lies? I cant relate anymore, nor do I want to. Now, I either have to find new, happy friends or teach my current ones how to laugh more often and enjoy life.

We all say we are looking for true happiness, solid financial security, exciting relationships, great health and fitness, but how many of us really try to find it and live it? Its easier to be down, mediocre, and postpone indefinitely that which we really want.

This principle applies to love, weight loss, writing a book, learning the piano, and being happy. The important things in life often take tremendous personal courage, much effort, a sense of sacrifice and a deep well of patience, if you don't pay attention to how happy you are to begin with. You see, the happier you are on a daily basis, the easier all of this gets.

When you dont have to take responsibility for anything, and can get away with complaining about it anyway, human nature will lead you down the path of least resistance to more and more sadness. Youve got to turn this around and see happiness as the default feeling, not unhappiness.

Simply put, if you work at eliminating any thought of those things in life you are trying to avoid, and focus of the things you do want with happiness, passion and desire, you will attract what you want.

The principle of magnetizing or visualizing what you want into your life is not new, as I found out through my study, many authors and philosophers have written about the power of happiness down through the ages. Applying our energies and focusing on our desires until we obtain them is called deliberate creation; Im living proof that it does work. I am happier and more grounded in my life than ever before, and you can be too.

When you think about it, happiness is our natural state. It is through self-inflicted guilt, envy, a sense of lack, focusing on what we dont want and a feeling of unworthiness that we backslide into perpetual unhappiness. The funny thing is we do this to ourselves!

Above I made the statement that we should think about things we want with passion, desire and intent. When you examine the lives of happy, successful people you come to realize they live with a high level of passion for what ever makes them happy, a deep desire to achieve it, and a powerful intent to fulfill the goal. It is easy to spot those who use this technique: Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong, Rudy Guiliani, and Colin Powell are the most notable of the current generation. They all exemplify a positive attitude, and incorporate a high degree of happiness in their personal and professional lives.

.Map out a similar course for yourself.

Concentrate on being happy.

Focus on what you truly want in life.

Eliminate thoughts of what you dont want.

Be passionate about your goal.

Live in the present with intent.

Be patient with yourself.

Start by examining how much time you spend being unhappy or feeling mediocre. If its more than you had realized before, set about a plan to change it because you do have the power to do so. Smile more, play music, spend time with upbeat friends, watch comedies, read funny stories, intend to be happy in all aspects of your life, become one with your happiness and humor.

Then, write your own personal strategy for joy in your life with all of the aspects you want to live with from now on. Writing down your goals often gives them more meaning and power. Post them on your refrigerator or next to your computer so you can review them daily and revise what isnt working until you have a recipe for happiness and fulfillment.

We all are more powerful than we give ourselves permission to be, you can accomplish whatever you want, if you are happy, and put your mind to it with the intent to be successful.

In the end, it's one man's opinion...mine.

Keith E. Renninson is a motivational speaker and co-author of the popular parenting tool and illustrated storybook for children, ooch the Pooch, My Best Friend. Through the 1990's with much self-examination, academic study, bicycle racing, and mountain climbing, he discovered a renewed zest of life, which included a love of metaphysics, philosophy, humor, and writing and speaking. As Keith says, Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the's all in what you make of it. You can read more about ooch the Pooch or contact Keith to speak at: http://www.zoochthepooch.comKeith and his co-author Michael Conrad Kelley speak to teens and adults on The Seven Simple Steps to a More Fulfilling Life. This course focuses on how to build a successful Life Philosophy that works for each individual.

Article Source:,-Be-Happy-First&id=258449

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